Greek Myth Wikia
Greek Myth Wikia

Welcome to Greek Myth Wiki
The Monsters Are Here!
Roll The Boulder!
Are You As Smart As Her?
They'll Determine Your Fate

The Monsters Are Here!

Learn about the origins of your favorite monsters.

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Roll The Boulder!

Learn about the constant hell of a fan-favorite.

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Are You As Smart As Her?

Are you smarter than the goddess of wisdom herself?

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They'll Determine Your Fate

Introducing... Fate themselves!

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The Monsters Are Here!
Roll The Boulder!
Are You As Smart As Her?
They'll Determine Your Fate

Main Locations

Mount Olympus
First appearance: "700 BCE"
Location: Separated from the earth by sky, from Underworld and Tartarus by earth, and takes days to fly up there from the earth.
Characters - Locations - Timeline

First appearance: "700 BCE"
Location: Separated from the earth by ground, and Olympus by earth.
Characters - Locations - Timeline

Mount Othrys
First appearance: "700 BCE"
Location: In Greece, it used to be home to the titans until the gods ruled all.
Mount Othrys
Characters - Locations - Timeline

First appearance: "700 BCE"
Location: It would take nine days for a dropping anvil to reach Tartarus by earth. It is right under the Underworld and would take a long time to get from Olympus to Tartarus.
Characters - Locations - Timeline

First appearance: "Beginning of Time"
Location: Mount Olympus is situated on top of the highest mountain of the Gaia and is above the Underworld.
Characters - Locations - Timeline

The Greek Myth Wiki is the official community site dedicated to the ancient greek religion/mythology Greek Mythology and its related media, books, and graphic novels. Anyone can edit here, we can only grow with YOUR help.

Home to 1,695 articles since May 14, 2016

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  • Oh my, gods! Do you want a quick summary over all Greek Mythology? Go check out the Greek Mythology page!
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Gods' Magic Colors

User Magic Color Color of Other Manifestation
Zeus Pure White
Hera Pink[1]
Dionysus Wine[3] Purple
Poseidon Water Blue[3]
Hades Blue[4] Fiery Orange[3]
Hestia Fire Orange[5]
Morpheus Purple[4]

  1. Disney's Hercules
  2. Hercules and Xena Show'
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters
  4. 4.0 4.1 Once Upon a Time
  5. Most Accounts

The current poll was suggested by Batuhan03.

The Lightning Bolt is an item in Greek Mythology and the most powerful weapon. It first is mentioned around 700 B.C. in Homer [and/or Hesiod's] Greek Mythology book.

So with this Master Bolt (The lightning bolt), Zeus took down Kronos and banished him and his fellow titans (only the ones that were working for Kronos) to Tartarus. The Lightning Bolt can also cease someone from existence, which means they have been completely wiped out from existence and there will be no moving on or going to the Underworld.

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