Greek Myth Wikia

Annabeth: My mother is Athena. The goddess of wisdom.

—Annabeth Chase and Perseus Jackson / Movie\Book

Athena is a character in Hesiod and Homer's myth. She débuts, with her appearance in around 700 B.C. and usually ends at around the 9th Century. Athena is the virgin greek Goddess of wisdom and war in Greek Mythology.


Athena is a deity, the daughter of Zeus and in some accounts, Zeus and Metis.When the Olympian gods defeated the titans in the titanomachy, the titans were destroyed and Mount Olympus was made. Athena was remade as the favourite daughter of Zeus, born fully armed from his forehead.[1] Eventually Zeus experienced an enormous headache; Prometheus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Ares, or Palaemon (depending on the sources examined) cleaved Zeus’ head with the double-headed Minoan axe, the labrys. Athena leaped from Zeus’ head, fully grown and armed, with a shout — “and pealed to the broad sky her clarion cry of war. And Ouranos trembled to hear, and Mother Gaia…”.[2] Athena rejects the marriage suits of everyone that proposes to her, and swears herself to perpetual virginity. She thus rejects Aphrodite's values and becomes, to some extent, her chaste, domestic complementary, or antithesis. In a late myth, Medusa, unlike her sister Gorgons, came to be viewed by the Greeks of the 5th century as a beautiful mortal that served as priestess in Athena's temple. Poseidon liked Medusa, and decided to rape her in the temple of Athena, refusing to allow her vow of chastity to stand in his way. Upon discovering the desecration of her temple, Athena changed Medusa's form to match that of her sister Gorgons as punishment. Medusa's hair turned into snakes, her lower body was transformed also, and meeting her gaze would turn any living man to stone. In the earliest myths, there is only one Gorgon, but there are two snakes that form a belt around her waist. Athena is associated with Athens, a plural name, because it was the place where she presided over her sisterhood, the Athenai, in earliest times. Athena was one of the three Goddesses (the other two were Hestia and Artemis) whose "hearts" Aphrodite could not affect.


URANUS †---------------------------------------------------------------------------GAIA


CRONUS †---------------------------------------------------------------------------RHEA


HESTIA ________DEMETER__________ HERA_________ HADES_________ POSEIDON________ZEUS†----------------------METIS



  • Solid lines denote parent-child blood relationships
  • Dashed lines denote marriage relationships that result in offspring
  • denotes the deceased
  • Sorry for the closeness of the 6 names of the children



  • Athena did not have any consorts / lovers.
    • She was one of the virgin goddesses. The other two being Hestia and Artemis.



  • Athena did not have any children as she was a virgin goddess.

