Artemis is the Greek virgin goddess of the hunt, forests, hills, the moon, & archery in Greek Mythology. To people, she was one of the greatest Olympians. From just the moon, she became the goddess of the universe. Artemis is the Greek goddess of hunting, animals, the moon, childbirth, virginity, fertility, & the entire universe, as well as the goddess of chasity, nature, & the environment in Greek mythology. She's the entity of the wilderness, nature and animals. Her Roman equivalent is Diana.
She is the twin sister of the Greek god of the Sun, Apollo and is the daughter of Zeus and the titan Leto. Artemis is also one of the moon goddesses. Ancient Grecians didn't disagree with hunting and fishing because they believed that it pleased Artemis. They wanted to praise the Goddess. However, she said to the mortals that they shouldn't hunt and fish for fun and entertainment, killing animals for no reason, which would make the Goddess angry. They agreed to hunt and fish only for survival, as she told them. They promised to do so as she said.
She was special for her abilities. All gods could shape - shift, but Artemis was a more special entity, as she could take on the form of any animal. She could even talk to them. Just like Poseidon, who controlled the seas, Artemis controlled nature, she could cause earthquakes or calm the Earth and the ground. She was a real mother nature. She could even talk and communicate with animals. She had total control over nature, even more so than Gaia, and succedded her as an Earth and Life goddess.
Artemis was usually known as only the Goddess of the Moon. In Ephesus, she was worshipped as the Queen of the Universe, not just the Goddess of the Moon. She was known as a Moon Goddess only, because she was also the Goddess of childbirth and children are born after seven and usually after nine lunar revolutions of the Moon around Earth. Children in school aren't taught why she is the Goddess of not just the Moon but actually the entire Universe, because it's complicated. But we will see why bellow.
Some people say that Artemis was evil and that she didn't care for the animals she hunted, and also that she completely hated males, and didn't really care for children and women. All of those are lies. They said that Artemis was an eldritch entity, but Artemis is a protection entity. She hunts animals, not because she wanted, but because she had to, in order to teach her hunters. Also, she was protecting women and children too. She didn't care that much for males, although that does not mean that she completely hated them. She hunted some bad creatures, which ironically was the only way to protect them and other innocent animals. She doesn't have any intention to hunt and kill innocent animals for no reason, she actually protects them instead, as she loves them. But some say that animals are her victims and that she rips them and then rips out their souls and makes them her slave. That is not true. Artemis loves and protects animals and literally takes on their form and idolizes them. And she was never nor will ever be an eldritch entity.
Artemis is one of the most heavily venerated of the Greek deities, from all the gods, from both male and female and Olympian and primordial. She could be the most heavily venerated. In fact, she had the most followers. She was also loved especially by the Romans, but also by other civilazations outside ancient Greece and Rome. She was also one of the showcasing characters / gods of both Greek and Roman mythology, which is actually Greek mythology.

Full Name[]
Artemis / Diana
Diana (Roman name)
Arti (Nickname)
Artemoula (sweet Nickname)
Artemaki(sweet Nickname)
Artemoulin (sweet Nickname)
Dianoula (sweet Nickname)
Artiana (Artemis + Diana)
Dianemis (Diana + Artemis)
Hyper huntress
Hyper Queen
Hyper Being
Hyper celestial
Hyper Goddess
Hyper Moon
Hyper Protector
Hyper fighter
Hyper everything
Hyper Diana
Hyper Artemis
Day broughter
Luminous / Sninning
Selene / Luna / Cynthia
Divine Power (meaning of Diana)
Shy / Heaven
(The) Universe
Ultimate Life Form (veneration)
Life and Death (importance)
Hellas (Greece)
Goddess of the Hunt
Goddess of Wild Animals
Goddess of the Wilderness
Goddess of Nature
Goddess of Earth
Goddess of Life
Goddess of Hills
Goddess of Crossways
Goddess of the Amazons
Goddess of the Moon
Goddess of the Stars
Goddess of the Planets
Goddess of Outer Space
Goddess of Virginity
Goddess of Archery
Goddess of Fertility
Goddess of Childbirth
Goddess of Protection
Goddess of Healing
Goddess of the Woods
Goddess of the Forests
Goddess of the Mountains
Goddess of Hunters
Goddess of Natural
Goddess of Bravery
Goddess of Courage
Goddess of Boldness
Goddess of Confidence
Goddess of Strength
Goddess of Power
Goddess of Might
Goddess of Determination
Goddess of Stubbornness
Goddess of Panic
Goddess of Fortune
Goddess of Music
Moon's personification
Symbol of Sagittarius
Ruler of Cancer
Creator of Scorpio
Center of the Milky Way
Queen of the Universe
Hyper Senses
Hyper Strength
Hyper Reflexes
Hyper Speed
Hyper Power
Hyper Endurance and Durability
Extreme intelligence
Great Knowledge
Trap Making
Elemental Manipulation
Nature Lore
Animal Empathy
Chariot Driving
Plague and illness
Bow and Arrows
Poisonous Arrows
Luminite light
Arrow Blade
Rays of arrows
Heart Beat Super arrow speed
Moonlit Luminescence
Nocturnal Hunting
Spending time with animals
Spending time in nature
Being alone
Enjoying the beauty and danger of the wilderness
Spending time away from Mt. Olympus and her family
Playing music
Listening to music
Gaining knowledge
Protecting animals
Protecting women
Protecting children
Idolizing Creatures
Becoming stronger
Flying free
Maintain her virginity, protect all nature
defend and help hunters, protect her nymphs, women, children and animals, protect the Universe. (ongoing)
Kill Orion for his evil goals
Save the animals from Orion
Put Scorpius in the sky for killing Orion (all succeeded)
Zeus (father), Leto (mother), Apollo (younger twin brother), Primordials, Titans, Olympians, Asmoten (prominent cousin), Demigods (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews)
Olympian Gods, Good Demons, Nymphs (followers/helpers), animals, hunters, Hecate, Athena, Gaia, Rhea, Selene, Callisto, Atalanta, Hippolytus, Siproites, Britomartis, Syrinx, Arethusa, Iphigenia, Calydonian Boar, Olympians, good Demigods, Amazons, Percy Jackson, Scorpius the Scorpion (pet)
Titans, Giants, Monsters, Demons, Evil Gods, boasters, Hera, Aphrodite, anyone who bothers her, bad Demigods, poachers, Tityos, Noibe, Acteon, Orion, (former lover, but then worst enemy)
Type of Hero[]
Deity, Huntress, Protector, Queen of the Universe
Main History[]
Artemis is a deity, the daughter of Zeus and Leto. When the Olympian gods defeated the titans in the titanomachy, the titans were destroyed and Mount Olympus was made. Various conflicting accounts are given in Classical Greek mythology of the birth of Artemis and her twin brother, Apollo. All accounts agree, however, that she was the daughter of Zeus and Leto and that she was the twin sister of Apollo.
An account by Callimachus has it that Hera forbade Leto to give birth on either terra firma (the mainland) or on an island. Hera was angry with Zeus, her husband, because he had impregnated Leto. But the island of Delos (or Ortygia in the Homeric Hymn to Artemis) disobeyed Hera, and Leto gave birth there. In ancient Cretan history Leto was worshipped at Phaistos and in Cretan mythology Leto gave birth to Apollo and Artemis at the islands known today as the Paximadials.[1]
Hera, wife of Zeus, was angry that he fell in love with the titan Leto so she cursed her and told her she could not have her children on land. Poseidon took pity on her and brought her to the island named Delos. On the island the other gods took pity on her and convinced Hera to undo what she did and Artemis and Apollo are born. When Artemis was young Hera was cruel to her, making the girl run to her father for protection. Zeus would let the weeping girl climb into his lap. Sitting on her father's knee, she asked for six wishes which he granted. Artemis wanted to always be a virgin, live in the forest and mountains, no cities decided to her, many names to set her apart from her brother, nymphs to watch over the animals and her possessions, and to help women. She spent her childhood training to be a huntress, a protector and a fighter. She had Hephaestus make her a bow and arrows and then went to Pan, the Satyr god of the forest, who gave her dogs to hunt with. When Artemis visited Apollo in Delphi, their mother was attacked by the giant Tityos. Artemis helped her brother defeat the giant and their father Zeus sent him to the underworld.
Some say that Artemis was born on May 6. Others say that Apollo was born on July 23 and was Leo. Some say that Artemis was born a day before Apollo, thus born on July 22, and was Cancer. Yet, others claim, as well as the original myth, that Artemis was born 19 to 20 days before Apollo. If this is true, then Artemis was born in July 3 or 4, rather than 22. Others say that Artemis was born along with Apollo, but most historians say it's false. What is for sure is that Artemis was born before Apollo. It's unknown whether she was born in July 3, 4 or 22. It's certain however that she was Cancer and that Apollo was Leo. The most possible day of her birth is at July 3 or 4, as only one day seems impossible, as she also passed some adventures before Apollo was born, she even defeated some giant monsters, which may have taken many days for a baby, Diana was.
In one story, Artemis and Apollo go kill the children of Niobe because she said that she was better then Leto. Niobe bragged about having seven boys and seven girls and joked about Leto only having one of each. In another story, Artemis has two brothers killed while hunting a deer at the time of the giant war. They could only be killed by each other. The twin giants boasted about being great hunters, how they could not be killed, going to the heavens to kidnap Artemis and Hera and make them their wives. The gods were afraid of them except, Artemis. She was not afraid and would not let that happen.
One story tells about one of Artemis' nymph followers Callisto being turned into a constellation after she was changed to a bear. Her father Zeus tried to kidnap one of his daughters' followers and make her one of his lovers. As a punishment, Callisto was transformed into a bear. When she was killed Callisto became a constellation.
There are many stories of Artemis protecting women and their virginity. In one story Artemis rescues a girl named Britomartis who threw herself into the ocean to escape King Minos. The girl is turned a nymph and becomes worshipped as a goddess. Syrinx, one of her nymph followersn was transformed into river reeds as protection from the Pan the Satyr god who gave Artemis her hunting dogs.
Some people believe that some of the nymphs, mortals, priests, priestess, demigods, demigoddesses, hunters and huntresses who follow the hunting goddess were some of her lovers, but Artemis only had one lover, the great hunter Orion. She loved him so much that she would have given up her virginity to be with him, but there were a few problems. Apollo didn't want his sister to be with the hunter, he fell in love with one of her followers and Orion was killing too many animals. Somehow Artemis didn't notice (which seems impossible), or was either told by Orion that he would kill all the animals (which should piss Artemis, but according to this version, which is actually wrong, Artemis wasn't pissed, which is completely impossible). According to this version, where Apollo said to Gaia that Orion would kill all the animals on Earth, ( which is actually however not the correct version of how the events happened ) Gaia sent Scorpius, a giant scorpion, to kill Orion. After his death, Artemis was heartbroken. She had him turned into a constellation to immortalize him. The goddess never fell in love again because she didn't want to feel the pain of loss. However that's one version of the myth of Orion, and according to evidence, it's not correct. According to another, that we will see bellow, Artemis is actually the one who was pissed with Orion for his enormous killing spree against animals and then Artemis actually brought Scopius to kill Orion. Besides, this version where Gaia sends Scorpius to kill Orion has proven to be wrong. Also, Scorpius did belong to a goddess, and that was not Gaia, it was Artemis.
Artemis was one of the deities who could not be affected by Aphrodite's powers. The goddess of love and beauty could not make the hunting goddess to fall in love with anyone.
In anoter story, Artemis punished a man named Agamemnon. He killed a sacred stag and boasted about being a better hunter then her. When his fleet prepared for the Trojan war Artemis becalmed the winds. The crew advised Agamemno that the only way to appease Artemis was to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia. Before the sacrifice was made, Artemis saved her and substituted a deer. She sided with her brother and mother in the Trojan war against the Greeks. She helped heal the injured. During the war Artemis battled with Hera and lost. In the battle Hera knocked her bow and arrows on the ground and boxed Atemis in the ears. She fled with tears in her eyes. Her mother Leto picked up her daughter's bow and arrows. Later she found Artemis holding on to her father and crying.
Before the kidnapping of Persephone, Artemis, her nymphs and Athena were picking followers with her when Persephone wandered off. Hades and Zeus made sure that the gods couldn't hear her screams and cries for help. Only two deities heard her; Helios and Hecate. Later, when Persephone was allowed to visit her mother, Demeter, Artemis and Athena were glad to know that she was alright.
In one myth, Aphrodite kills one of Artemis' favorite hunters, Hippolytus, for choosing to join the hunting goddess and not choosing to fall in love. Artemis becomes angry and kills Adonis, one of Aphrodite's favorite lovers who boasted about being a better hunter then Artemis. She turned Ares, who was jealous that Aphrodite was with another man, into a boar to hunt and kill Adonis. After his death Artemis asked Apollo's son Asclepius to bring back Hippolytus and make him one of her immortal hunters. Aphrodite killed the young man Hippolytus when she found out he wanted to live a single life like Artemis. before his death, Aphrodite tried to make him fall in love with his stepmother. It almost worked, but luckily, Hippolytus resisted. Aphrodite got mad which led the goddess of love to kill the male hunter.
Many mortal men, demigods, giants, titans and gods that were interested in Artemis tried hard to make the hunting goddess of the Moon fall in love with them. Alpheus the river god tried where many had failed to win the heart of Artemis and her nymph followers. Artemis covered herself in mud so he would not recognize her. When the river god went after Arethusa, one of Artemis' followers, the goddess turned her into a spring to keep Arethusa safe.
Artemis would take children or women who were not treated well by the gods or mortals under her wing and protect them, like Atalanta, a baby who was left in the woods to die. Artemis sent a female bear to care for the infant. The bear raised the girl until she became older and joined mortal hunters. In her adventures she showed that she was better than any man she met. She helped kill the Calydonian Boar sent by Artemis to attack Calydon for neglecting to sacrifice the first fruits of harvest. When the boar was killed, the skin was hung in a sacred grove in dedication to the hunting goddess. She was so skilled that people said she rivaled Artemis. When a race was held for men to win Atalanta for marriage, Aphrodite gave one of the men, Hippomenes, some golden apples so he could win the race and the heart of Atalanta. Artemis didn't like that she lost one of her greatest huntresses to the goddess of love. Before Hippomenes won the heart of Atalanta, the Oracle of Delphi saw that the two would be turned into lions for defiling one of Zeus' temples. Apollo warned Atalanta and tired to keep her from getting married, but he failed; the future that the oracle had seen came true.
Like Hecate, the Cypress Tree is sacred to Artemis and her twin brother Apollo because the trees were one of the plants found on Delos, their birth place.
Artemis and Aphrodite clashed with each other many times due to Artemis not believing in love and Aphrodite's belief in love. Aphrodite tried many times to make those who follow Artemis fall in love. One example is Polyphonte, a woman who wished to remain a virgin and fled to the forests. Artemis let Polyphonte join her followers. An angry Aphrodite decided to make Artemis pay for taking another person away from love. She decided to do something that Artemis would hate so she made Polyphonte fall in love with a bear and give birth to Agrips & Oreius, twin human/bear hybrids. This really disgusted the hunting goddess. This was something she could not forgive Polyphonte or Aphrodite for. Artemis had the animals attack Polyphonte, who was never allowed to have contact with nature ever again. The other gods, who were were disgusted by this action, had the twins turned into a vulture and an eagle while the mother was turned into an owl. The servant however begged not to receive the same punishment. As she did so she was turned into a woodpecker.
Though Artemis didn't want any city decided to her, she had a few temples and a place on Mt. Olympus, but she likes nature more.She loves it so much that Artemis calls the woods her temple.
While staying in Calydon and hunting the Calydonian Boar, Atalanta met prince Meleager, one of the hunters respected by Artemis. Atalanta and the prince loved each other, but Meleager was killed so the two never got married. Meleager's sisters, who grieved over their brother's death, were turned into Meleagrids. Nestor, one of the hunters who took part in the Calydonian Boar hunt, defended Atalanta along with Meleager and a few others when she was not allowed to join the hunt because of being a woman. Atalanta went on a few adventures with Hercules before the Calydonian Boar hunt, before she fell in love with Meleager and before she married Hippomenes.
In two stories, Artemis' dislike for men is very strong when she was seen taking a bath. One of the men who saw her was Actaeon, a skilled hunter who bragged about being better than the hunting goddess and was not kind to the animals he hunted. When Actaeon was hunting, he and his hounds stumbled across the goddess when she was alone and taking a bath. Actaeon was amazed by what he saw. and when he saw her, he wanted the goddess to marry him. Artemis, disgusted and pissed off by his action, turned him into a stag for not respecting her privacy and had him killed by his own dogs. Another young man who saw the goddess bathing was Siproites. When he accidentally stumbled across Artemis and her followers, he apologized. the apology saved his life but Siproites was still punished; he was changed into a female and had to serve the hunting goddess.
When Aphrodite had Hippolytos killed, Artemis worked with Ares, the god of war, to kill one of Aphrodite's lovers, Adonis, who boasted about being a better hunter then Artemis. Ares assisted Artemis in killing the young man because Aphrodite was his lover and no else was allowed to be with her. The hunting goddess turned the god of war into a boar to kill Adonis.
In the story where her brother Apollo turned Ambrogio into a vampire, after Ambrogio struck a deal with Hades, the god of the underworld told the man to earn the hunting goddess's trust so they could steal her silver bow and arrows. Artemis took pity on Ambrogio when he came to her. Artemis soon found out his true intentions and punished him. Ambrogio begged the goddess of the hunt to forgive him. Artemis would only accept his apology if he became one of her hunters and stayed a virgin. He agreed to her terms. Ambrogio had proven to be great, loyal and honorable to Artemis, so the goddess decided to let him borrow her bow and arrow.s Ambrogio delivered them to Hades as promised. The god of the underworld removed the vampire's soul and kept it in the underworld and let his body live on earth because he held up his end of the bargain. Hades let Ambrogio take the bow and arrows back to Artemis. Despite the promise he gave her Ambrogio was still secretly in love with the titan Selene. However, Ambrogio learned that his lover was cursed by Apollo as well. She was now mortal and dying. Ambrogio asked Artemis for help because of his loyalty. Artemis agreed to help. After Ambrogio turned Selene into a vampire, Artemis turned her into the goddess of the moon and restored her titan powers. Ambrogio and Selene still loved each other but because Ambrogio pledged his service to Artemis, the two could never be married and Selene ended up falling in love with Endymion and other men. Despite this, her love for other men every night Selene would reach down to the earth with the moon's rays to touch Ambrogio and the other vampires.
In some myths of Artemis being born before Apollo and help her mother with the pain of childbirth is one of the few reasons why she made the choice to stay a virgin. Other reasons to why Artemis stays single and doesn't have kids is because of the headache parents and older siblings have to go through with kids, but despite helping her mother take of her brother even though she doesn't want to have her own children, she cares for them. Artemis may have also made the choice of not liking men because of her family, her father Zeus and the other men in her family being married and having wives while also being in love with many other women. She might have also been discussed about them even loving members of their family which might have made her think all men are just as bad as the ones in her family. Living on Mount Olympus as a little girl, watching and hearing about what her family did plus having a view down on the earth and seeing and hearing some of the things humanity does might be the reason why she chooses to live in the woods, forests, mountains, valleys, nature and hills instead of the cities and Mount Olympus. Even though she seats on one of the twelve thrones of Olympus, to her the loneliness from the gods and people is better. Animals and plants are better company to hang around with.
Artemis had many men try to gain her love. one of them was Buphagus, the son of the titan Iapetus. His lust for her made him chase after her when she ran to escape him. Artemis thought he would give up but he didn't. After he caught her and tried to rape her, Artemis was angry and killed him. Artemis, like many other deities, was known for her cruel behavior, but Artemis seems to have been one of the cruelest and most vengeful of the deities if not the cruelest. In some cases, she would become angry and punish human beings even if (at least in their own minds) they had done nothing wrong.
When Typhon went to war with the gods Artemis took part in the battle like many of the other Olympians but they could not defeat the giant monster so Zeus ordered them all to flee. The Olympian gods fled to Egypt and turned into animals to escape Typhon. Artemis changed into a cat. This action would have people link her and Bastet to being very similar. Although Artemis went into hiding with the other gods, she is not a coward. The goddess loves fighting and it made her furious that this was a fight she had to sit out. Artemis was furious but not stupid; she knew this was a fight she couldn't win. They had to run and that was not an easy thing for her to get over. When Typhon was defeated and imprisoned by Zeus, the gods were given the okay to return home now that the long battle had ended.
Artemis was one of the few deities who survived and to still maintain her position as a goddess when the old Greek religion faded away in Ephesus and was replaced with Christianity, even when her temple was destroyed. Unlike the other Greek gods Apollo, Athena, Hephaestus, Hestia, Zeus, Hermes, Ares, Dionysus, Hades, Aphrodite, Hera, etc. Artemis learned to adapt and survive with this religion. She wasn't forgotten like the other deities. Even before Christianity it has been mentioned and shown that Artemis is a survivor. Some stories have her as a goddess that pre-dates Greek mythology. As the Greeks conquered more realms, cities or land some of the gods and religions from those areas fade away. Artemis did not; her skills as a huntress helped her survive the dangers of the wilderness and she used them to survive change as well. In Christian belief, Artemis became the demon (monstrer) of witchcraft because she shared, as goddess of wilderness and transitions, traits with the goddess Hecate; as such, she is still worshipped among contemporary Wiccas and neopagans. Artemis may be a demon / monster now, but she is still the same Artemis we know and love, and inside her warm heart, goodness, care and love rule. Plus, if Artemis does manage, and she probably can, she can still become a highest god (also called demons) again. And she likely will.
Artemis and Aphrodite had a rivalry that was not no secret. Aphrodite hated that Artemis had some people who believed in the virgin goddess who stay single and don't fall in love. So the goddess of love and beauty would target those who follow Artemis and kill or make them fall in love. This made Artemis mad when Aphrodite did this. Aphrodite's equivalent in Roman mythology is Venus and two impact craters that are named after Artemis are found on the planet Venus with astronomy. Artemis also has an asteroid in the Hecate/Hekate asteroid belt that orbits around Jupiter and she even has her own asteroid belt.

A computer simulation of how the central black hole might appear to the Event Horizon Telescope.

Detection of an unusually bright X-ray flare from Sgr A.
The huntress Artemis is actually the ruler of the Zodiac Cancer. Artemis symbolizes the empathetic and nurturing nature of this sign, since she has magical powers of healing and immortality. However, she also demonstrates two more two zodiac signs. They are Sagittarius and Scorpio. While she has two craters on Venus, two asteroids, 105 Artemis and 78 Diana and a whole asteroid belt named after her, there are also things on Earth named after the goddess. They are things that are linked to animals, hunting, the moon, and nature, some plants, places that take care of plants, things that are linked with hunting and places that take care of animals are named after Artemis. The heavily venerated goddess also has things linked to children and women or taking care of children and women named after her. The supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A* is a complex radio source hidden from view by large clouds of cosmic dust in the spiral arms of the Milky Way. Some sources claim that the letter A might mean Artemis. That's because, as already mentioned above, Artemis demonstrates the Zodiacs of Sagittarius and Scorpio, the zodiacs of the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpius, the first thought to be the home of the Moon, the second created by Artemis when she put Scorpius in space, and both constellations are thought to belong to Artemis. The supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* is located in the border of the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpius.
When Greek mythology ended Artemis, Hecate, Selene and their Roman equivalents Diana, Trivia and Luna joined the Wild Hunt, Artemis was adopted into the Wiccan religion as a triple goddess along with the other Greek goddesses of the moon.
Unlike most of her family, Artemis is one of the few deities who doesn't let new religions, new gods and having no worshipers bother her because she is the goddess of the wild and cares about people, especially women and children but doesn't care, at least not as much, about men. That's why she cares more about nature, as she likes all nature, but from people not really men. Artemis mostly worries when something happens to nature. If the wilderness is okay, Artemis doesn't care about the other changes around her. The main people she cares most about are the ones who follow her. Those types of people who know that mammals are a part of nature and know that humans are mammals just like monkeys, apes, deer, mice, cats, rats and dogs so they understand that humans are a part of nature just like all mammals. Artemis cares fro both people and nature, and knows very well that people are part of nature, but is just not really into men.
Due to Artemis, Hecate and Selene being triple moon goddesses in some stories there are some people that mistake them as being the same goddess. Some of Artemis' actions have accidentally been listed as things that Hecate or Selene have done and Artemis has accidentally been listed as doing some things that Selene and Hecate have done.
Artemis is also viewed as a protection goddess because of her protecting nature, animals, females, amazons, children, her family and Apollo, and her hunting followers. Although Artemis is good, unlike the rest of her family, there are those who believe she isn't and question if she is good or evil. She cares for all the things she protects but some people claim that she is a plague and infection to nature, children, women and animals instead of a protector. This is not true, and no one is ever '' infected '' by Artemis.
Artemis defending her mother and killing Niobe's children for insulting Leto is viewed by some people as an evil action. Artemis taking people (mostly women) into her group of hunters who don't wish to fall in love is viewed by some people as a disease and claim that the goddess corrupts them rather than protects them. Some people even believe that the goddess doesn't care for the animals that she hunts. Which are of course all not true, Artemis is a protection goddess.
Though Artemis didn't get a long to well with men she does in fact show some compassion for males. After years of being trapped in tartarus, Artemis, along with her brother, Apollo, and mother Leto, asked Zeus to finally free Prometheus. But Zeus (and perhaps the other gods too) still believed the titan should be punished for stealing fire and giving it to man. Eventually the hunting goddess's anger, tears and please convinced Zeus to eventually release Prometheus from his imprisonment.
Before Orion was turned into a star constellation Apollo had managed to trick the greek hero into getting on his sister's bad side. The giant hero killed almost every animal, fell in love with one of Artemis Nymph helpers and finally fell in love with Eos the goddess of dawn who helped him restore his sight. Eos was cursed by Aphrodite to fall in love with many men but could never be with them. When Eos learned the true about Orion she changed her mind about loving him so the giant hunter tried to kidnap her. After Orion's death, Artemis placed him among the stars. Orion's story is yet another example of Eos curse of how she can fall in love but could never be with the men that she loves. Orion's story is also tale about how Artemis found love for the first time only to lose it and hate it and never to fall in love again.
According to one version, Apollo listened that Orion said he would kill all the animals and said that to mother Earth Gaia, who sent a gigantic scary scorpion named Scorpius to kill Orion. Either Scorpius won and Artemis placed both him and Orion in the night sky, or Orion was swimming away from Scorpius and Apollo tricked Artemis that Orion was a dot moving or a bad guy in the sea and Artemis shot, killing Orion, then placed both him and Scorpius in the night sky, not knowing that this dot was Orion. However, for years this version is thought to be wrong. However according to another version, Orion said to Artemis that he would kill all the animals on the entire planet Earth, so according to that version, Artemis is the one who sent Scorpius, not Gaia. Orion wanting to kill all the animals and have the nature for his own, didn't listen to the warnings of Artemis and actually attacked her. He tried to battle and harm her. Scorpius, alongside many animals was also a pet, the strongest of Artemis. When Orion claimed that he would kill all the animals, and hurt and attacked Artemis, Artemis sent Scorpius to kill Orion. Scorpius won the battle and killed Orion and as a reward, Artemis placed her beloved pet in the night sky as a constellation. In this theory, Leto, mother of Artemis, may have also been present during the battle beetween Orion and Scorpius. This theory also seems to be correct. A last theory claims that Apollo sent Scorpius to kill Orion because Apollo was jealous of Orion stealing his sister's love. So according to that version, Apollo sent Scorpius to kill Orion. This theory seems impossible, because Apollo knew that Orion was not a god and never actually minded if anyone would be loved by Artemis, nor was he ever jealous of mortals, as he knew they were inferior to gods. Also, Apollo was never ruling over animals, nor had giant scorpions. Besides, Scorpius belonged to Artemis.
The first theory is not correct because Scorpius belonged to Artemis, as she created him, and Gaia didn't create giant paranormal animals and plus, Orion told to many, including Artemis, that he would kill all the animals, so Artemis should certainly be angry and try to prevent Orion. Also, there is no way Artemis couldn't notice that Orion was killing a lot of animals, which would make Artemis angry. And Orion in all versions told Artemis he would kill all the animals, so of course Artemis would be pissed, not to mention that when she started to hate him and warn him that he shouldn't kill the animals, he even attacked her. This clearly means that Artemis sending Scorpius and also becoming enemies with Orion makes sense and thus is the right theory of how the events happened. And despite the fact that most claim that Artemis placed Orion and Scorpius in the night sky, a few claim that it may have been Zeus. That however seems highly unlikely because Zeus wasn't even present, and didn't know anything about Orion and Scorpius. It also makes sense that Artemis placed Orion and Scorpius in the sky for the following: Artemis would place Orion in the sky so she can always make him visible to mortals who sympathized him and his father, Poseidon. Plus, She and Orion became enemies when Orion claimed that he would kill all the animals, and she placed Scorpius in the sky to reward him for killing Orion. Plus, the theory where Apollo sends Scorpius, is completely impossible.
Because Athena and Artemis are more protecting and caring deities when compared to the rest of their family. Athena has felt that Artemis would be a good choice to look after humanity if she was ever willing to do so despite the fact that the hunting goddess mainly prefers mostly nature over mankind. Artemis wouldn't mind giving up her throne on Mount Olympus as she doesn't care about ruling over humans and toying with their lives like most of her family. But that doesn't mean that she would leave humanity and nor protect it, especially women and children, which of course she does care about.
Trojan War[]

Artemis plays only a minor role in the Trojan War of Homer's Iliad and is described most often as 'the archer goddess' but also on occasion as the 'goddess of the loud hunt' and 'of the wild, mistress of wild creatures'. Supporting the Trojans, she notably heals Aeneas after he is wounded by Diomedes. Some say however that Artemis didn't participate in the Trojan War.
Artemis may have been represented as a supporter of Troy because her brother Apollo was the patron god of the city, and she herself was widely worshipped in western Anatolia in historical times. In the Iliad she comes to blows with Hera when the divine allies of the Greeks and Trojans engage each other in conflict. Hera strikes Artemis on the ears with her own quiver, causing the arrows to fall out. As Artemis flees, crying to Zeus, Leto gathers up the bow and arrows.
Artemis plays a significant role in the war. Like Leto and Apollo (who was widely worshipped in Troy), Artemis took the side of the Trojans. At the beginning of the Greek's journey to Troy, Artemis stilled the sea, stopping the journey until an oracle came saying they could win the goddess' heart by sacrificing Iphigenia, Agamemnon's daughter. Agamemnon once promised the goddess he would sacrifice the dearest thing to him, which was Iphigenia, but broke that promise. Other sources said he boasted about his hunting ability and provoked the goddess' anger. In the story, Agamemnon offends the goddess Artemis on his way to the Trojan War by accidentally killing one of Artemis' sacred stags. She retaliates by preventing the Greek troops from reaching Troy unless Agamemnon kills his eldest daughter, Iphigenia, at Aulis as a human sacrifice. However, Artemis saved Iphigenia because of her bravery. In some versions of the myth, Artemis made Iphigenia her attendant or turned her into Hecate, goddess of night, witchcraft, and the underworld.
Aeneas was also helped by Artemis, Leto, and Apollo. Apollo found him wounded by Diomedes and lifted him to heaven. There, the three deities secretly healed him in a great chamber.
Roman Mythology[]

Diana Hunting, Guillaume Seignac
Diana is the Roman (Greek) Moon goddess of hunting. Her Greek equivalent is Artemis. She is the daughter of the god Jove and the titan Latona. As the goddess of hunting Diana is associated with animals and woodlands. She can talk to animals and control them. Diana is also one of the Roman triple goddesses. Unlike her greek equivalent Artemis who was born on Delos Diana was born in the woods near Ephesus. Even though she was worshiped in the city and had her own temple and shrine, the woods were Diana's home just like Artemis.
Other similarities to Diana and her Greek equivalent are that they are both virgin deities, fertility deities, nature deities, moon deities, hunting deities and deities of childbirth and they both have hunting hounds, Nymph followers and a favorite stag. She was also a goddess of magic and witchcraft just like Hecate. Another major similarity that Artemis and Diana have is that, well, just like all the Greek and Olympian Gods and the Roman Gods, they are the very same goddess.

Diana's symbol
Some people say that Diana was evil and that she didn't care for the animals she hunted, and also that she completely hated males, and didn;t really care for children and women. All of those are lies. Diana is a protection Goddess. She hunts animals, not because she wanted, but because she had to, in order to teach her hunters. Also, she was protecting women and children too. She didn't care that much for males, although that does not mean that she completely hated them. She hunted some bad creatures, which ironically was the only way to protect them and other innocent animals.
Diana and her brother Apollo were born the same way as Artemis and her brother Apollo. Their father Jupiter fell in love with Latona / Leto. Jupiter's wife Juno was angry, the only difference is they were born near the city Ephesus that worshiped the goddess instead of the actual birth place of Apollo and Artemis. Diana wanted to remain a virgin forever and wanted to live in the wilderness. When the city of Ephesus worshipped the goddess, she didn't mind having rule over the city.

Another Zodiac Diana gave to humans is Scorpio. Her true Zodiac sign was Cancer. Also, Diana was also symbolised by generally stars, planets, galaxies and any other form of matter and energy in the Universe.
Just like Apollo and Artemis, Apollo and Diana, which are Apollo and Artemis, were born like their alternate selfs of Greek Mythology let's say. Diana was born a day before Apollo. She was a very strong little baby, and she helped her mother take care of Apollo. She protected her from a large dragon or monster, as some say, and helped her mother take care of Apollo. She was the older of the two twins, as well as the stronger and helped Apollo grow up and take his place uppon the Olympian Gods. The ironic thing is that she is also an Olympian Goddess but spents most of her time in the woods.
Diana met Heracles when in his 4th labour he had to steal her golden deer. Diana was angry and told him he shouldn't try to capture her deer, because she ws holy. Apollo believed that Heracles may have tried to even kill the golden deer, something Heracles would never do. Heracles told them about his labours and missions, thus they allowed him thankfully to complete his labour, knowing he woudn't harm Diana's deer.
Diana and her brother both care a lot about her mother. Though she did have one city to worship her Diana loved the forests more then the city. Diana got her Nymph helpers, chariot, bow & arrows, dogs and deer the same way as Artemis. Just like the Greek goddess of the hunt, Diana has also punished people for similar reasons that Artemis did. Diana protects nature such as plants and animals just like Artemis. She also protects women and children just like the Greek goddess and cares for them. The Greek goddess Artemis is seen as a guardian, protector, caretaker and nurturer of the woods and animals and so is the Roman goddess Diana in all of those things, and both goddesses, which are in reality one goddess and not two, are seen as mothers to animals.
Other similarities between Artemis and Diana: like her Greek counterpart the Roman goddess is also mentioned as a being that predates Roman mythology and because Artemis is linked with Bastet, Diana is also liked to the cat goddess. Diana has taken the form of a cat and a deer just like Artemis. Diana has also punished people for boasting just like the Greek goddess. She even punished those who saw her bathing, another similarity with her Greek equivalent. These similarities aren't simple, it's because Artemis and Diana are the same person.

By the Moon Diana becamw the goddess of all outer space.
Just like Artemis, Diana has modern day things named after her; stuff that is linked to animals, hunting, mother nature and the Moon. Diana also has an asteroid belt named after her in astronomy. An asteroid is also called 78 Diana in the main asteroid belt between the planets Jupiter and Mars. Also, in a belt around Jupiter, an asteroid is also called simply Diana. Artemis and 105 Artemis are 2 more asteroids, an asteroid belt around Jupiter is called Artemis, 2 craters on planets Venus are called Artemis, plus, the black hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, is called Sagittarius A, meaning Artemis.
Diana is usually depicted with a deer, as a goddess of hunting. But it can also be a reference to the myth of Acteon, a very skilled hunter, like Orion, who saw her bath naked. Acteon accidentally did that action, but was so amazed by what he saw, when he saw her naked, that he wanted the Goddess to marry him. Diana couldn't agree less with Acteon's desire. Diana was pissed off and to punish him for his bad actions and wanting to get married with her, she turned him into a deer and then, Acteon was killed and eaten by his own hunting dogs.
Diana has ever had one and only real love interest who was, according to Greek mythology, Orion. She loved him so much that she would give her virginity to be with him. But when Orion said to Diana that he would kill all the animals on Earth, Diana started to hate him, and her love about him completely ceased, and they became worst enemies. Orion attacked Diana and didn't listen to her warnings of not killing animals. Diana sent her strongest pet, Scorpius the Scorpion to kill Orion. When Scorpius won the battle, Diana placed her lovely scorpion in the night sky to reward him for killing Orion. She also placed Orion in sky as he was the son of Neptune (Poseidon), who always had the final word.
Diana is seen as one of the most caring and respected Goddesses of mythology, and the one of the most beloved ones, if not the most beloved. She is a caring, cute, loving and protecting beautiful girl who rules over all nature. Her traits are all traits of Scorpio and Cancer, two of the three Zodiacs created by the Goddess, (see Artemis) the third being Sagittarius. She does however, get very aggressive, especially when people kill animals only for fun, or bother her, and even offend her family. She is sometimes very aggressive and may appear evil at certain times, but she really is very warm hearted and sometimes her behaviour was childish and babyish.
Diana is a goddess who does not like to lose and can not be broken. She believes in not giving up, fighting until you win and if you can't win going down fighting. She likes all challenges, likes to fight, likes thrills and likes action. When she loses, she always gets revenge and wins the next time. All the characteristics of Diana's personality are the signs of a Scorpio: caring, comfortable being alone, honest, loyalty, brave, independent, strength, strong-will, kindness, tough love, serious, devotion and dislikes boasting. Also cautious about other people, remembers everything good or bad, but still cares for their lover, friends and people close to them even if they are upset. She also is good looking just like all Scorpios also finds enjoyment from action, adventures and thrills. All Scorpios have the desire for their mate to have the same good qualities that they have. Those all the traits of a Scorpio, and are pretty much the same traits of Cancer, given to both zodiacs by Artemis. Scorpius, the giant Scorpion was also a pet, the strongest, along with the white deer and the golden one, of Artemis. When Orion told Artemis that he will kill all the animals on the entire planet Earth, Diana was fully pissed off and thus, sent Scorpius to kill Orion. Because Scorpius killed Orion, Diana put Scorpius in the night sky as a constellation, as a reward for her powerful Scorpius, who showed full loyalty and services to her.
She may seem little, but she is strong and immortal, and she is fast, an excellent shooter and also, a Goddess of strength. She is also very intelligent and loves training and gaining new knowledge. She also has specialties over most gods like talking to animals, shaking Earth, and being a complete mother nature, even more so than Terra, which is the name that the Romans gave to Gaia. Diana can also turn herself and others into animals, and also overpower most gods in strength, as she is Artemis. Her strength was only surpassed by Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, which where the Roman names of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. She also has great aim, poisonous arrows that carried plague usually, and sometimes she also had whips and a spear. She is also the Queen of the Universe, because well, she is Artemis.
Some people said that Diana was evil. This is not true of course. She is a protection Goddess. She is just not really into men. People believe that this is because Zeus liked many women and made Hera angry all the time. She thought that if men were to be like this, she wouldn't be happy if she got married. Her one and only love interest was, according to Greek mythology, Orion. But when Orion said to Diana that he would kill all the animals on Earth, Diana started to hate him, and her love about him ceased, and they became worst enemies. Diana sent her strongest pet, Socrpius the Scorpion to kill Orion. When Scorpius won the battle, Diana placed her lovely scorpion in the night sky to reward him, showing that she has real love for animals too. Besides, she was the Goddess who created and raised Scorpius in the skies of the Milky Way Galaxy, showng how much she preferred all the animals on Earth and a scorpion who respected and loved her too over an evil hunter who was mistakenly worshipped as a hero, despite actually being one of mythology's greatest and most dangerous villains.
Her appearance, like Artemis, because well she is Artemis, is young like, cute and childish. She has Moon and star symbols of gold and silver and gemstones all around her sometimes, and a main half moon symbol, usually one her head. She was one of the most beautiful Goddesses, if not the most, and may have surpassed Venus (Aphrodite) in beauty. Both Diana and Minerva (Athena), may have been the most beautiful goddesses, and either her or she could be the most beautiful, and some claim that Athena and Artemis could have been more beautiful than Aphrodite. She is usually found wearing a tunic, which covers most and sometimes all or most of her torso, chest and belly, and either reaches above her knees, or probably covers her entire legs. But usually, she wore tunics very short, so short in fact, that didn't even reach her legs, and left her legs completely uncovered. Her legs were usually completely bare and naked. Her full legs were most of the time fully free, from the very top of her hips that touched her belly until her ankles and her feet was completely bare, showing great beauty.
Diana's possesions:
- Silver Moon Chariot pulled by deer / stags / horses
- Silver Bow & Silver Arrows
- Silver Moon head symbols
- Silver Moon earrings
- Silver Moon Circlet
- Luminite Crystals
- Whips of Chaos
- Silver Spear
- Wild animals
- Sandals
- Armor
- Tunic
- Dogs
- Deer
- Boar

This model of the Temple of Artemis, at Miniatürk Park, Istanbul, Turkey, attempts to recreate the probable appearance of the third temple.
Artemis, the goddess of forests and hills, was worshipped throughout ancient Greece. Her best known cults were on the island of Delos (her birthplace), in Attica at Brauron and Mounikhia (near Piraeus), and in Sparta. She was often depicted in paintings and statues in a forest setting, carrying a bow and arrows and accompanied by a deer. The ancient Spartans used to sacrifice to her as one of their patron goddesses before starting a new military campaign. Athenian festivals in honor of Artemis included Elaphebolia, Mounikhia, Kharisteria, and Brauronia. The festival of Artemis Orthia was observed in Sparta.
Pre-pubescent and adolescent Athenian girls were sent to the sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron to serve the Goddess for one year. During this time, the girls were known as arktoi, or little she-bears. A myth explaining this servitude states that a bear had formed the habit of regularly visiting the town of Brauron, and the people there fed it, so that, over time, the bear became tame. A girl teased the bear, and, in some versions of the myth, it killed her, while, in other versions, it clawed out her eyes. Either way, the girl's brothers killed the bear, and Artemis was enraged. She demanded that young girls "act the bear" at her sanctuary in atonement for the bear's death.
Artemis was worshipped as one of the primary goddesses of childbirth and midwifery along with Eileithyia. Dedications of clothing to her sanctuaries after a successful birth was common in the Classical era. Artemis could be a deity to be feared by pregnant women, as deaths during this time were attributed to her. As childbirth and pregnancy was a very common and important event, there were numerous other deities associated with it, many localized to a particular geographic area, including but not limited to Aphrodite, Hera and Hekate. According to Pseudo-Apollodorus, she assisted her mother in the delivery of her twin. Older sources, such as Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo (in Line 115), have the arrival of Eileithyia on Delos as the event that allows Leto to give birth to her children. Contradictory is Hesiod's presentation of the myth in Theogony, where he states that Leto bore her children before Zeus’ marriage to Hera with no commentary on any drama related to their birth.
At Ephesus in Ionia, Turkey, her temple became one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It was probably the best-known center of her worship except for Delos. There the Lady whom the Ionians associated with Artemis through interpretation graeca was worshiped primarily as a mother goddess, akin to the Phrygian goddess Cybele, in an ancient sanctuary where her cult image depicted the "Lady of Ephesus" adorned with multiple rounded breast-like protuberances on her chest. They have been variously interpreted as multiple accessory breasts, as eggs, grapes, acorns, or even bull testes. Excavation at the site of the Artemision in 1987-88 identified a multitude of tear-shaped amber beads that had adorned the ancient wooden xoanon. In Acts of the Apostles, Ephesian metalsmiths who felt threatened by Saint Paul's preaching of Christianity, jealously rioted in her defense, shouting "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" Of the 121 columns of her temple, only one composite, made up of fragments, still stands as a marker of the temple's location. The rest were used for making churches, roads, and forts.
During the Classical period in Athens, she was identified with Hekate. Artemis also assimilated Caryatis (Carya). There was a women's cult at Cyzicus worshiping Artemis, which was called Dolon (Δόλων).
Athena Vs Artemis[]

A comparison of a few traits and characteristics.
Athena and Artemis are the 2 most widely venerated Greek Goddesses. The world usually compares them to see which goddess of the 2 is the best. We have to say that Artemis won. First, the name Artemis, of the 232.000 names that exist, in the top 1000, it's 960. Athena is however around 500. But Minerva and Diana are what Athena and Artemis are called by the Romans. Minerva is 417, and Minerva means Athena. Diana is on top 50, it's 42 in the entire world. And Diana translates to Artemis from Latin.
Now, people usually think that Apollo and Athena were stronger than Artemis. This is totally wrong. In Greek Mythology, in battles between the gods and their total strength seen, Artemis is clearly stronger. Apollo wasn't as strong as his slightly older sister, as Apollo wasn't as much hunting, battling and being active, and was more like Dionysus, drinking wine, not practicing and gaining as much strength and power as Artemis. Athena was born from the head of Zeus. She was already in her armor and already and adult, not having the time needed to experience the world and the battling, given to her the power of Zeus made her stronger than Ares and the other gods, and possibly Apollo too, though not as strong as Artemis, as unlike the other deities, Artemis was more than an active person.
While battling giant monsters and other beasts, Artemis literally showed superiority over Athena. Athena has armor, a spear, a sword and a shield. Artemis has armor, bow and arrows, whips and a spear, but is also slightly stronger and possibly has a better aim, and might be better with the spear, as she more commonly used it, than Athena did. Artemis was certainly a better hunter, could fight better in the forests and during nightime, is a better trap maker, better self defense and weapons which can be used both for a distance and a close action range. Athena was known to be a genius, but was she smarter than Artemis? Well, Artemis's intelligence in forests, hunting, fighting, making traps, something that Athena didn't do, and more might not essentially mean that Artemis was less intelligent than Athena. Besides, Athena became a wisdom goddess, only because she was thought to have gained intelligence, being born from her father's head. It was a coincidence that she was a very smart goddess.
The shield of Athena, known as Aegis, was thought to be almost unbreakable, and was able to be broken by stronger godsm if they had the power to break it. Artemis was slightly stronger than Athena, So she likely could defeat her if breaking her shield somehow, because if she did, Athena wouldn't really be able to beat Artemis. Also, Artemis had more followers than Athena, she was worshipped in more places, she was even present in the 7 world wonders. Artemis certainly wins against Athena.
Artemis & Diana Etymology[]
The name Artemis (noun, feminine) is possibly of Pre-Greek origin. The name may be possibly related to Greek αρταμος, a butcher, deriving from artemḗs, i.e. "safe", "unharmed", "uninjured", "pure", which gave the word Artius, meaning safe, great, awesome, excellent, and the verb τέω, which in Artamos means to divide, and as a verb it was originally δαίω, from which comes the word δαίμον, demon. Temis is likely a slight d - to t - changed word of the word demon, in the name Artemis, where temis, was possibly temon, shortly after demon. Butcher as Ar - tamos, τέω which is δαίω, to divide, artius, which in math means divided in even numbers. A butcher is someone who divides the flesh of meat, Ar - tamos, from τέω = δαίω, divide, making the name Artemis actually mean demon, which is the main meaning of Artemis. Charles Anthon argued that the primitive root of the name is of Persian origin from *arta, *art, *arte, meaning "great, excellent, holy", thus Artemis "becomes identical with the great mother of Nature, even as she was worshipped at Ephesus". A last verb αρταμώ, means to divide or cut, carrying the same root.
The name Dīāna probably derives from Latin dīus ('godly'), ultimately from Proto-Italic *divios (diwios), meaning 'divine, heavenly, celestial'. It stems from Proto-Indo-European *diwyós ('divine, heavenly, celestial'), formed with the root *dyew- ('daylight sky') attached the thematic suffix -yós. Cognates appear in Myceanean Greek di-wi-ja, in Ancient Greek dîos (δῖος; 'belonging to heaven, godlike'), or in Sanskrit divyá ('heavenly' or 'celestial'). The ancient Latin writers Varro and Cicero considered the etymology of Dīāna as allied to that of dies and connected to the shine of the Moon, noting that one of her titles is Diana Lucifera ("light-bearer"). People regard Diana and the Moon as one and the same. The moon (luna) is so called from the verb to shine (lucere). Lucina is identified with it, which is why in our country they invoke Juno Lucina in childbirth, just as the Greeks call on Diana the Light-bearer. Diana also has the name Omnivaga ("wandering everywhere"), not because of her hunting but because she is numbered as one of the seven planets; her name Diana derives from the fact that she turns darkness into daylight (dies). She is invoked at childbirth because children are born occasionally after seven, or usually after nine, lunar revolutions.
Diana translates to Artemis form latin. The name, sometimes falsely called Diviana, can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European root dyeu / dyeus, meaning "to shine" or "sky", dium meaning Universe, with the root div- meaning to shine. The meanings are therefore "heavenly", ''holy'', "divine", ''demonic'', "celestial", ''cosmic',' "luminous", "shining", and in a broader sense "which brings the day", "which has light", ''which has divine power'' or which comes from the Universe / outer space. Diana was already in use as a given name in ancient Rome, but exclusively outside Christian circles, in which it was seen as a pagan name. In Italy, the variant "Daiana", an adaptation based on the English pronunciation, is also common. The French variant "Diane" gained popularity during the 19th century.
Orion's death[]

Orion VS Scorpius
Scorpio, in Greek Mythology, comes from the story of Orion. He was the son of Poseidon and Euryale. He and Artemis were hunting partners. There are about 7 or 8 theories of how he died, but most were truly poetic, and the accepted truth is that he died by a giant scorpion. According to one version Artemis's twin brother Apollo, was jealous of Orion stealing his sister, so he sent a giant scorpion which then stung and killed Orion. Zeus placed both of them in the skies as a constellation. Scorpion is a pretty big constellation. The bright star, Antares, is the Scorpion's heart. According to another version, Gaia sends the scorpion to kill Orion, because he wanted to kill all animals on Earth. Gaia was angry, placed Scorpio in the sky to reward him, but also Artemis asked her about placing Orion there too.

The Scorpius contellation, the constellation of Artemis's beloved pet, Scorpius the Scorpion. Artemis placed him in the heavens of space to reward Scorpius for killing Orion. The largest star of the constellation is Antares, the brightest and largest star in the image, which is shown with very small letters. The Scorpius constellation is always chasing the Orion constellation in the night sky, and will catch him is millions of years.
However, the third version has proven to be correct. When Orion said to Artemis that he would kill all the animals on Earth, she started to hate him, and her love about him completely ceased, and they became worst enemies. Orion attacked her and didn't listen to her warnings of not killing animals. Some say that he raped her. Artemis sent her strongest pet, Scorpius the Scorpion to kill Orion. When Scorpius won the battle, she placed her lovely scorpion in the night sky to reward him for killing Orion. She also placed Orion in sky as he was the son of Poseidon. By placing Scorpius in the night sky, Artemis created the Zodiac of the Scorpio. The zodiacs were 11, when she created Scorpio they became 12. Some sources of history and mythology say that this happened in the middles of time of Sagitarrius and Libra, becoming the middle day for Socrpio, November 6. That's why this day is the most special for Scorpio. Since Artemis created the Scorpio zodiac in Novemeber 6, this is Scorpio's most special day, as some sources and people say. This theory has proven to be correct about how Orion died.
Artemis is the goddess of the Moon. Her Zodiac is Cancer. Being the actual personification of the Moon, and being Cancer, made Artemis the Ruler of Cancer, and also the symbol of the Crab Nebula. We know cancer is an illness, and Artemis is said to both bring and take away deseases from people, but the illness has nothing to do with the Zodiac. It's named Cancer only because the area affected simply looks like shells and skin of crabs.
Artemis, apart from ruling the Cancer and the Moon is also known as the symbol of Sagittarius and Creator of Scorpio. In the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, the black hole called Sagittarius A, is claimed to have a special A. Some say that this A means Artemis. She is the symbol of Sagittarius and Creator of Scorpio, and the black hole is located in the border of the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpius. That's why she was known as the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Artemis is the most associated goddess with outer space. She rules over the old seven planets, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Sun was Apollo, the Moon was Artemis. Since the Moon was the largest celestial object of the 7, Artemis became the ruler of the 7 planets. At Ephesus, because of all the above and many associations that Artemis has with space, also the fact about the beginning of life one Earth, made Artemis the most loved goddess. At Ephesus, Artemis was known as the Queen of the Universe. She was to the Greek and Romans the Queen of the Universe, because of her specialties, and many more associations she has with the Universe.
Queen of the Universe[]

A size comparsion of stars and planets with the planets of our Solar System and some of the most important stars.

An image of Scorpius the Scorpion, Artemis's beloved pet, as a contellation.
Apollo and Artemis were twins born from the King of the gods, Zeus and the Titan Leto. Apollo as the Sun god became all supreme, supplanting Zeus, when he was adopted by Augustus and Rome while Artemis remained what she always was and still is to this day, Our Lady Queen of Heaven (Moon, day sky, night sky, stars, planets, galaxies and basically all outer space and Universe) and Earth (our small and puny but beautiful planet), Queen of the Universe. It was to her one of the 7 World Wonders was built, The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (modern day Bodrum, in Turkey), the most pre-eminent temple of the day. Apollo was a well balanced god of light and knowledge, not indulging in fits of pique as previous gods did. Artemis, still patron and protector of animals. women and children. Artemis is also demonstrated as one of the most important greek gods and goddesses. We haven't seen this being said for any other god yet. Maybe Artemis was the most important.

Artemis / Diana is the actual personification of the Moon, and is said to illuminate the night sky. The Moon is by far the brightest celestial object in the night sky. Selene and Luna was a name for Artemis before Selene became a Moon Goddess.
Artemis was the Queen of the Universe because of her specialties as a Goddess. As already mentioned above, Diana is a name of classical tradition which recalls the Roman goddess Diana. As mentioned above, Diana translates to Artemis form latin. The name, attested in its most ancient form Diviana, can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European root dyeu or dyeus, meaning "to shine" or "sky". In Latin, her name means “goddess of light and of the moon.” It stems from the words for “shining,” “divine,” “the open sky,” and dies or “daylight.” This may seem contradictive for a goddess of the night and the underworld, but as Cicero explains, “she was called Diana because she made it like day during the night”. In other words, she illuminated the night sky. In the field of astronomy, the sky is also called the celestial sphere. This is an abstract sphere, concentric to the Earth, on which the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars appear to be drifting. The celestial sphere is conventionally divided into designated areas called constellations. The meanings of Diana are "heavenly", "divine", "celestial", "luminous", "shining", and in a broader sense "which brings the day", "which has light" and ''which has divine power''. Heavenly means good skies in current Christian circles, whereas in Old English, the term heaven was used to describe the observable expanse of the Universe above Earth. Divine means all the deities and celestial means all the celestial bodies like planets, stars, galaxies, and any other form of matter and energy that exists in the entire Universe, which is also called celestial sphere, synonymous to the full meaning of the word Sky. Diana is called Luminous because of the Moon, also called Selene and Luna, Lucifera, = light bearer and Artemis was a nocturnal hunter and loved hunting and the Moon. She was also shining during the night. She also possesed divine power as she was a goddess. Her power was also, only surpassed by Hades, Zeus and Poseidon, great indeed. The name Diana is also referred to as ''Diviana''.

Some of the largest objects in the Universe
As already mentioned above, People regard Diana and the Moon as one and the same. The Moon (Luna) is so called from the verb to shine (lucere). Lucina is identified with it, which is why in our country they invoke Juno Lucina in childbirth, just as the Greeks call on Diana the Light-bearer. The Lucina and Luna, comes from Juno Lucina, a name of Artemis. The Moon is called Luna and Selene, anctually not because of Selene, but because of Artemis. In fact, the actual Moon Goddess and the personification of the Moon itself, is not Selene, it's Artemis. Diana also has the name Omnivaga ("wandering everywhere"), not because of her hunting but because she is numbered as one of the seven planets; her name Diana derives from the fact that she turns darkness into daylight (dies). She is invoked at childbirth because children are born occasionally after seven, or usually after nine, lunar revolutions. The Moon, was the largest and fastest wnaderer of the seven planets, and it was the most important, which is why Artemis / Diana is called Omnivaga.

The first celestial known object of the night sky, the Moon.

The planets were moving relative to fixed stars of the celestial sphere, while orbiting the Sun and thus were called wandering stars. The word planet means wandering star and wanderer. It's mainly known to mean wanderer, but it's real meaning is wandering star.
Another connection that Artemis has with the Moon is that she was born in the Mount Cynthus, which is located on the isle of Delos, part of the Greek Cyclades. In Greek mythology, Leto gave birth to Apollo and Artemis on this island, having been shunned by Zeus' wife Hera who was extremely jealous of his liaison with Leto. They respectively carry the epithets of Cynthius and Cynthia—the latter eventually becoming a female given name, still current in English-speaking and other Western countries. In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Cynthia is: Of Cynthus (Mount Cynthus on the island of Delos). Famous bearer: Cynthia was one of the names of the mythological Moon goddess Artemis, referring to her birth on Mount Cynthus. The name Cynthia, a name that Artemis also has, means Moon, Selene and Luna, and basically luminous. These are the meanings of both Artemis / DIana, and Selene / Luna, But the names Cynthius and Cynthia are not coming form Selene / Luna, but from Artemis / Diana, which is a connection that Artemis has with the Moon over Selene. In fact, the actuall Moon goddess and personification of the Moon between Selene, Hecate and Artemis is Artemis, and always was, even before Greek mythology was developed as a religion.
And again, as already mentioned above, in the upper paragraphs, Diana is the Goddess of childbirth, literally because of the Moon. Let's also not forget that Diana means celestial, which are all the bodies in the Universe. The Moon is the closest celestial body to Earth, as it's Earth's natural satellite. There is one more connection that the Goddess Artemis / Diana possesses with the planets and basically all outer space. The name Omnivaga means wandering everywhere, because of the seven planets that Diana is numbered as one of which. The etymology of the word comes from the Greek πλανήτης, the greek verb περιπλανιέμαι, meaning to wander around or everywhere. Five planets — Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were known to the ancients. However, the planets moved relative to the stars. For this reason they were called wandering stars. Our word "planet" comes from the Greek word planetes, meaning "wanderer." They saw that these stars moved relative to the fixed stars and called them planets from the Greek ''αστήρ πλανήτης'' meaning wandering star.

The Moon with its fully illuminated near side (north is at top). It's not Hecate, it's not Selene, it's Artemis.
Artemis, as a wanderer, has this major relation and connection to the planets, which are called wanderers and wandering stars, the later being the actual meaning of the word planet, whereas the first is basically the root for the word. Wander also means to go everywhere, in a less used sense and we know that Artemis / Diana wanders everywhere. Although not really because of hunting but because she is one of the seven old planets, the Moon, still her hunting is involed as it always allows her to move everywhere. Just as how the Moon is free moving around Earth, whose Artemis the actual personification of, the Goddess is free in nature, and well everytime she is as free as the mighty eagle.

Potential microbes found on the Moon's surface.

NASA is searching for extraterrestrial life, and uses the Moon as the basic source of research, but uses Mars and Mercury.

Hydrogen existed from the beginning of the Universe, whereas all the other materials were created in the inteior of stars. All the chemicals reached Earth, but possibly reached many other planets too, we are talking about Super and Hyper Nova explosions. Certainly chemicals like those found on Earth which create life on Earth are found on other distant planets. There certainly is life in outer space and other distant planets.

Our deepest galaxy surveys can reveal objects tens of billions of light years away, but there are more galaxies within the observable Universe we still have yet to reveal. Most excitingly, there are parts of the Universe that are not yet visible today that will someday become observable to us eventually.

Our deepest galaxy surveys can reveal objects tens of billions of light years away, but there are more galaxies within the observable Universe we still have yet to reveal. Most excitingly, there are parts of the Universe that are not yet visible today that will someday become observable to us.
She is also connected to every single piece of the Universe. LIfe on Earth started about 3 - 4 billion years ago. Let's remember that asteroids carrying water and minerals collided with Earth. Also, supernova explosions from stars, whose Artemis is also the Goddess of, brought the same elements and minerals on Earth from many millions of light years away. Then, life on Earth started, from the seas to the land, from the smallest organisms to the dinosaurs and of course to the modern day animals and humans. All the chemiclas in the human body were created in the interior of stars, whose Artemis is the Goddess of, except for hydrogen, which existed when the Universe begun. And the animals, whose Artemis is also the Goddess of, are composed of the same materials as the humans body, materials created from the stars. The plants and the trees were also created by the water and some of these elements too and it's already well known that Artemis also loves the plants and so does she with the trees, the woods, the mountains and of course all nature. The quotes to describe the humans ''kids of stars'' and ''dust of stars'', quotes that are used to describe our place, the place of human - beings in the Universe, whose Artemis is the Goddess and Queen of, aren't only poetic, but also literal. We really are made out the stars, whose Artemis is the Goddess of, and of course, we came from the Universe, whose Artemis is the Goddess and Queen of. And to find more evidence about that, NASA focuses mostly on the Moon, with the new Artemis program. In fact, potential microbes, similar to the ones found on Earth, are thought to exist on the Moon's surface. Similar to this case, micro - biological life is thought to exist one the surfaces of Mars and Mercury, the second os which has a surface similar to the Moon, but more volcanic and the possiblities of life are higher on the surface of the Moon. Besides, according to evidence, water is known to exist on the surfaces of all three, the Moon, Mars and Mercury. We are also talking about Super Nova and Hyper Nova explosions. The very same materials that exist here on Earth, certainly exist on other distant planets. The Universe is vast, 600 billion light years, and it has 20 to 30 nonillion stars and about twice as many planets. All stars cause Super and Hyper Nova explosions. Thus, materials and chemicals, the very same that exist here on Earth, exist everywhere else in the Universe, and all stars are thought to be orbited by planets. Many planets and possibly their moons too, we may even say that certainly have life. We don't need to see this life, we need to see how the Universe works, and even without seeing it, know it's there. We probably didn't see Artemis, but she is alive and she is with us. The queen of the Universe hides many mysteries about the giant cosmic expanse. We haven't even seen in the night sky the entire Universe, the part we can see is the Observable Universe, which is a spherical region of the Universe comprising all matter that can be observed from Earth at the present time, because electromagnetic radiation from all these objects has had time to reach Earth since the beginning of the cosmological expansions. Remeber the term, Celestial Sphere, meaning sky, it is synonymous to Observable Universe, full meaning of dyeu or dyeus, open sky. One of the meanings of Diana is celestial, all the objects of the Universe like planets, stars, galaxies and any other form of matter and energy that make up our Universe are called celstial objects. The sphere of the Observable Universe is called the celestial sphere. Even to this day, everything we just mentioned is known as '' heaven ''. All the objects, apart from celestial, are also known as heavenly. While heaven means paradise in one meaning, it also means nice and open sky, it is dyeus, Diana, heaveanly, open sky. One of the meaningso f Diana is heavenly along with Divine, Celestial and many others that have to do with Gods, the Universe, and light, and the Moon, as well as daylight and bringing the day. But let's not forget that the original term heaven was used to descibe the expanse of the Universe above the surface of Earth. The Earth is the center of the Observable part of the Universe, but not the center of the entire Universe. Artemis, apart from ruling the Universe, all and everything above Earth's horizon, also rules Earth, as she rules the forests and of course the living beings, which came from all and everything above Earth's horizon. Our Lady Queen of Heaven and Earth, Queen of the Universe, remained what she always was and what will always be. That's why the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Turkey, which barely exists today, was thought to be the most important of the 7 World Wonders. It isn't random why Artemis / Diana is the most venerated goddess, and it isn't random why she is the one and only true Queen of the Universe. And the Universe isn't even visible entirelly to the naked human eyes. Even the Observable Universe isn't fully visible. But as technology improves, we will be able to see more of the Universe and more about how vast it is, and just how many are the galaxies that it contains, because well, the Universe was thought to contain only 50 billion galaxies. Then 200 billion. To date, it's believed that the entire Observable Universe contains at least 2 trillion galaxies. The entire Universe, which is possibly 600 billion light years in diameter and more, likely contains many more planets, stars, galaxies etc. than what we currently believe, Maybe 10 or 100 times more of all this matter and energy. And even more and more and more of that is created as the Universe continues to expand. All started from the very beginning of the Big Bang, and continues without a single stop till this day. We are trying to see the Universe the best we can. And some say that we don't know our own planet, Earth, as much as we do with the Universe. In fact, in 1781, March 13, Willian Herschel, a musician and astronomer discovered the planet Uranus, which was discovered before Antarctica. It was 1,9 billion miles from the Sun, more than twice as far from the Sun as Saturn. Until then. the farthest known planet.
Heavenly originally meant the expansion of the Universe. There are 2 terms. The first one is space and time distortion. Any object distorts the fabric of space-time and the bigger it is, the greater the effect. According to the theory, matter and energy distort space-time, curving it around themselves. 'Frame dragging' theoretically occurs when the rotation of a large body 'twists' nearby space and time. This obviously occurs as the Universe expands. The second one is that galaxies spread to nowhere. That's because the reason why the Universe expands is because of dark matter, that separates the galaxies from each other. Both space and time distortion and that galaxies spread to nowhere are used to describe the expansion of the Universe, such as the original word heaven, one of the many meanings of Artemis's Roman name, DIana.
The Big Bang theory is the most common theory of how the Universe started, expanded and evolved. Some considered the Big Bang theory to be wrong. But more recent studies believe that it's correct and that there is no other way the Universe existed. The Universe was formed about 13,778 billion years ago. And the first stars, galaxies and planets are at least 13,6 billion years old. They are found in our Galaxy, the Milky Way, and on many other galaxies out there. Many galaxies, including our own, are thought to be 13,6 billion years old, being some of the very first galaxies in the Universe. Electromagnetic radiation from many objects has had time to reach Earth since the beginning of the cosmological expansion. The entire or almost entire Universe could be visible to us if Earth existed from the very beginning. Earth however started to exist about 4,543 billion years ago. The Sun was born about 4,615 billion years ago, and the Moon, was born when a proto - planet of the ancient Solar System called Theia collided with Earth. The cunks and debris created the Moon, about 4,5 billion years ago. But the stars, of which the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and the Solar System came from existed before, which allows us to know how ancient the entire Universe actually is. Astronomers have already discovered stars in the Milky Way galaxy that are about 13.6 billion years old or more. And right here, on Earth, life exists in at least 8,7 million different species. All those species in 1 planet. There are at least 20 to 30 nonillion planets out there, and on many places in the Universe, where there are stars similar to the Sun, life can certainly thrive there, in the near or distant planets. We just need to see the geologic scale of Earth and we can see that if life can live here, it can also live on other planets. Besides, about 99% or more of all species that ever lived on Earth are considered extinct. Just how many species existed and how many are there to exist? Also, all life, is made up by atoms. Atoms are mainly divided into protons, neutrons and electrons. Electrons exist everywhere floating around the Universe. Electrons, if they have a limited lifespan, which they may not have, but if they do, their lifespan is considered to be at least 5 Quintillion times the current age of the entire Universe, which is 13,778 billion years. Certainly, a lot of life will be out there in the Universe. Plus, some say that the lifespan of these fundemental parts of atoms and substructures could be unlimited.
The Universe, not only brought life on Earth and also possibly to other distant planets, but we use the Universe to see how genetics work and how doctors do their job. When an astronaut goes into space, some transmitters are placed on his body. We see similar transmitters when some babies are sleeping, so we can observe the babies and dcotors believe that this will help medicine as well all related sciences and basically all science improve with the latest technology. Many missions are programed for space travel and doctors rely on these missions to improve. Doctors use some really small laparoscopic cameras to see inside the human body if needed without opening it. These cameras were actually based on the ones the astronauts use. Maybe in the near or distant, but maybe not so distant future, doctors will get the help needed from the Universe to improve and study better the human body. Eventually, they might find cures for illnesses that are currently marked as possibly impossible to be cured. But as science and technology continues to improve, all illnesses could be cured one day. The new missions of NASA, which are the Artemis program, are going to the Moon and to outer space, for these exact reasons, for medicine and improvements in science, technology and curing diseases. Let's not forget, that Artemis had curing power and healed women and children too. Artemis was well known to be a healing Goddess, actually even more so than Apollo, who was known mostly to bring disease to people, rather than healing, despite claimed to be a god of healing. Also, technology is already amazing, so in the near future it could help humans dominate the Universe, along with Artemis. By the year 2045, machines are thought to become ''intelligent''. Just like humans. Imagine what structures and things humans can create. We are just humans. Artemis is a Goddess, no matter what improvements we make, Artemis will reign supreme over us all, and she will be our Queen over all. Also, NASA says that with the Artemis program, they will demonstrate new technologies, capabilities, and business approaches needed for future exploration including Mars, establish American leadership and a strategic presence on the Moon while expanding our U.S. global economic impact and broaden our commercial and international partnerships and inspire a new generation and encourage careers in STEM. While Mars remains their horizon goal, they have set their sights first on exploring the entire surface of the Moon with human and robotic explorers. They will send astronauts to new locations, starting with the lunar South Pole. At the Moon, they will find and use water and other critical resources needed for long-term exploration, investigate the Moon’s mysteries and learn more about our home planet and the Universe, learn how to live and operate on the surface of another celestial body where astronauts are just three days from homw and prove the technologies we need before sending astronauts on missions to Mars, which can take up to three years roundtrip.
Not only is NASA planning to use their new Artemis program, but they are also planning for their official successor to the hubble telescope. The new and now even more prepared to achieve the same big mission as it's ancestor telescope, the new telescope is the new James Webb Space Telescope. It will be launched in December 18 2021 and it costed abot 10 billion dollars. The hubble telescope allowed us to see perfectly the Universe. The Multiverse theory is a theory of a hypothetical connection and group of potentially infinite universes, some of which are parallel to out own. The is though to exist and be 11 dimensional, as an arena that has''bubbles'' that are or contain Universes, while contained by larger ones. THe dimensions are 11 because above 11 things become unstable. Our Universe is just one of many worlds. Perhaps we can see that with more and more future telescopes. The name Artemis, greek word άρτιος, meaning amazing, excellent, safe, strong, healthy, powerful, awesome, some of the many meanings of the name, as both Artemis and Diana, all mean great. The word Cosmos, which means Universe, is the greek word κόσμος, meaning great, amazing, κόσμιαμα, which means means greatness and decoration. All of this we are talking about is the Cosmos. Humans still go on with the Universe, the understanding of all outer space and their creations. We still have much to learn. We keep on and try harder.
Here are some •• Unsolved Problems in Physics •• 1. Theory of everything - Is there a theory which explains the values of all fundamental physical constants, i.e., of all coupling constants, all elementary particle masses and all mixing angles of elementary particles? 2. Arrow of time - Why did the universe have such low entropy in the past, and time correlates with the universal (but not local) increase in entropy, from the past and to the future, according to the second law of thermodynamics? Also, it's called arrow of time. Well, Artemis is a Goddess who uses arrows. 3. Singularity of a black hole - A singularity is a point in space where there is a mass with infinite density. This would lead to a spacetime with an infinite curvature. Singularities are predicted to exist in black holes by Einstein's theory of general relativity, which is a theory that has done remarkably well at matching experimental results. The problem is that infinities never exist in the real world. Whenever an infinity pops out of a theory, it is simply a sign that your theory is too simple to handle extreme cases. Also, it's about black holes. We have Sagittarius A*, Artemis, in the center of the Milky Way, our own home galaxy. 4. Baryon asymmety In physical cosmology, the baryon asymmetryproblem, also known as the matter asymmetry problem or the matter-antimatter asymmetry problem, is the observed imbalance in baryonic matter (the type of matter experienced in everyday life) and antibaryonic matter in the Observable Universe. •• Einstein's General Theory of Relativity In Just 12 Words •• “Space-Time Tells Matter How to Move, Matter Tella Space-Time How To Curve." Plus, nowdays we believe that there are actually ways of travelling through space and time. We claim that those are not supernatural ways but actual science. We can build time machines, use speed, wormholes, gravity or even suspend animation. If technology improves even more, and we believe that's it actually enough already, who knows what things can humans do. We already discovered what we think if enough to know about the Universe, yet as we go on and on, the more we discover, the more we want to learn and the better, and yet we are only humans, always bowing before Artemis, our Goddess Queen. She was prayed at Ephesus, what she always was and still is to this day, our Lady of the Universe. The Big Bang might not be the very beginning of the Universe itself, but it is the beginning of our Universe as we recognize it. It's not “the” beginning, but it is “our” beginning. It may not be the entire story on its own, but it's a vital part of the universal cosmic story that connects us all.

Dark Matter and Galaxies.
And here are some amazing facts about the Universe. We believe that black holes, especially supermassive ones are the objects that hold galaxies together. But even Super Massive, Hyper Massive and Ultra Massive black holes such Sgr A and other, much larger and much more massive black holes, actually, only make up about 0, something percent to a small percentage of their home galaxies. It's not really the central black hole that keeps galaxies stable, it's the presence of Dark Matter in the galaxy between the stars. Dark matter makes up nearly 22% of the total mass of the Universe and it creates ''bridges'' that hold galaxies stable and also lead to other galaxies and their Dark Matter. Dark matter is however currently invisible. We don't see it. It could be however, actually black. To date, the clearest images of space we currently have take a long time to be taken. We have some clear images of the Sun, the dwarf planet Pluto and the Milky Way Galaxy. Artemis is also, specifically the Goddess of the Moon, when talking about childbirth and the seven planets, but that conects her to the entire Universe. We also have some very clean and clear images of the Moon, whose Artemis is the actual personification of.

Scorpio and Cancer, the most compatible Zodiac signs. Artemis is Cancer and created Scorpio. Both Zodiacs were given to humans by Artemis.
Also, The Greek goddess Artemis is the ruler of the Zodiac Cancer. Artemis symbolizes the empathetic and nurturing nature of this sign, since she has magical powers of healing and immortality. But also, the Goddess Artemis created the constellation Scorpius when she put her pet, Scorpius the Scorpion up in the heavens of the night sky. When she created the constellation, the Zodiac of Scorpio was created by the Goddess too. This is also possibly an explanation of why Scorpio and Cancer Zodiacs are the most compatible. The best sign related to Cancer was always Scorpio and to Scorpio it was Cancer. Both are Zodiacs given to humans by the Goddess Artemis. Also, Cancer means crab. In real life, scorpions and crabs are closely related, they belong to the group of animals known as arachnids, from the greek word αράχνη meaning spider, and the group consists of all species of spiders as well as it's cousins, lobsters, crabs and scorpions. The Goddess is also a healing Goddess. NASA and sciences also use the Moon for more medicine. A joke also says that the patient asks: What do l have doctor, Sagittarius or Aquarius?, and the doctor answers: Cancer. Yet, cancers can be cured. Even cancer that can be cured could be cured one day. Besides, the Zodiac is named after the word crab, whereas the illness actually isn't really connected to the Zodiac. The term is most likely applied to the disease because of the finger-like spreading projections from a cancer called to mind the shape of a crab. The Roman physician, Aulus Cornelius Celsus, translated the Greek term into cancer, the Latin word for crab.

Image of a star cluster with Stephenson 2 - 18 in the center of the image, which is the current largest known star.

The Moon ( Artemis / Diana ), which may be the smallest of the celestial objects of the night sky, but at the same time, it's the one who rules over everything else, the night, the stars and the Universe. Selene and Luna was a name for Artemis before Selene became a Moon Goddess.
Furthermore, as the Goddess of the beloved Moon, there is one more thing worth saying. The Moon has a diameter of 3.474,8 km, while the biggest planets have diameters of around 100.000 to 900.000 km and the biggest stars like Antares, Betelgeuse, VY Canis Majoris, UY Scuti, Stephenson 2 -18 etc. have some gigantic diameters of well, around 1 billion to 3 billion km. hundreds of thousnads of times bigger than the diameter of the Moon. The Sun is also 440.000 times more lumimous than the Moon, while Stephenson 2 -18 is 440.000 times more luminous than the Sun. Yet, due it's very close proximity to Earth, which is 384.399 km. on average at it's semi - major axis, coolness and romance that the Moon gives and love that it brings to the hearts of people, the Moon, whose Artemis is the Goddess of and depicts it while being depicted by it, is always demonstrated as the leader of the stars and their starlight, which is lead by the stars to our planet Earth via Starlight hallways, along with moonlight. Artemis, just being the Moon, is the ruler of the Universe, because everything we see in outer space is ruled by the Moon. Even the Sun, which is the star that rules Earth, is ruled by the Moon. The Moon can eclipse the Sun, but the Sun can't eclipse the Moon. In other, just as how people believe, the Moon wins against the Sun. In fact, in Greek mythology, Artemis was actually stronger than Apollo and than all the other gods, only overpowered by Hades, Zeus and Poseidon, although these three didn't actually have real control over Artemis, not even her father Zeus.

105 Artemis

78 Diana's orbit
To end this, James Craig Watson dscovered the asteroid 105 Artemis in September 16, 1868, which is a dark asteroid of carboneous composition and has a diameter of 119,1 km. It was discovered by radars in a distance 1,07 AU from the Sun. An occultation of the star HD 197999 was observed in 1982, which gave an estimated chord length of 110 km. Between 1981 and 2021, 105 Artemis has been observed to occult 23 stars. There is also the asteroid called 78 Diana, discovered by Karl Theodor Robert Luther in March 15 1863. It is a large and dark main-belt asteroid that is orbiting the Sun with a period of 4.24 years. Its composition is carbonaceous and primitive. 78 Diana occulted a star on September 4, 1980. A diameter of 116 km was measured, closely matching the value given by the IRAS satellite. Unlike the other deities which have 1 or just albeit barely 2 objects named after them, Artemis has a lot more than 1 or 2. These 2 asteroids, the Moon, 2 more asteroids around Jupiter, and a whole asteroid belt around Jupiter, another asteroid belt is named Diana, as well as 2 craters on planet Venus are named after Artemis, and even the black hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, Sagittarius A, it has been claimed that A means Artemis. Even right here, on Earth, Artemis and Diana are 950 and 42 on top 1000 most common names and there are about 232.000 names. The other characters of mythology have a name popularity of some thousands, and aren't really used that much, if any used at all. Only the names Athena, Minerva, Apollo and Persephone are more popular than Artemis, ( Apollo is actually less popular ) whereas Diana is more popular than the others. Diana could very well be the most common name despite thought to be 42. Besides, Diana translates to Artemis from latin. Artemis may be 950 and Diana at 42, but still, in reality they are the same name. Thus, Artemis is 42 too. Even places and things right here on Earth are named after many mythological beings and gods, especially gods, and Artemis has by far the most named after her. She could very well be the most heavily venerated and loved Goddess in this world. Most people seem to love this Goddess just the most.
Moon's personification[]

Artemis and Selene aren't the same person, and here, Artemis who is the real personification of the Moon wears her Moon symbol.
Selene was born from Uranus and Gaia. But, unlike Helios who was already a Sun god, the actual personification of the Sun itself, Selene became a Moon goddess long after Cronus's defeat. In fact, when Artemis was born she became the goddess of the Moon. So did Hecate and Selene. The difference being that both Hecate and Selene became Moon goddesses after Artemis. So that means that Artemis is the original Moon goddess and the personification of the Moon itself, not Selene. That's why people regard Artemis and the Moon as one and the same, and why Artemis has a Moon chariot, and of course why Hecate, Selene and Artemis, by those who thought was one goddess because of the Moon, was thought to be not Hecate nor Selene but Artemis and only Artemis. Besides only Artemis has really gotten into the actual Moon, she even has more Moon symbols that Selene does. Selene was a name for Artemis even before Selene became an actual Moon goddess. Even if Thea was Selene's mother and Then had been the name of the planet that collided with Earth forming the Moon, Artemis is more closely related to Earth, as both Artemis and Gaia are both goddesses and protectors of the animals, whereas Selene isn't. so Earth and Moon i mostly Gaia and her grand daughter Artemis. Had Gaia created animals, Artemis protected them at all costs. No matter the name of the protoplanet Thea, Artemis was the original Moon goddess and the actual Moon itself, the latter called Selene actually because of Artemis, then wrongly mistaken to be the actual goddess Selene, thus naming the protoplanet Thea, instead of the actual name which would be Leto, if people didn't mistake the Moon's real name actually coming from Artemis.
Artemis in Art[]

Roman marble Bust of Artemis after Kephisodotos (Musei Capitolini), Rome.
The oldest representations of Artemis in Greek Archaic art portray her as Potnia Theron ("Queen of the Beasts"): a winged goddess holding a stag and leopard in her hands, or sometimes a leopard and a lion. This winged Artemis lingered in ex-votos as Artemis Orthia, with a sanctuary close by Sparta.
In Greek classical art, she is usually portrayed as a maiden huntress, young, tall and slim, clothed in a girl's short skirt with hunting boots, a quiver, a bow, and arrows. Often, she is shown in the shooting pose and is accompanied by a hunting dog or stag. When portrayed as a goddess of the moon, Artemis wore a long robe and sometimes a veil covered her head. Her darker side is revealed in some vase paintings, where she is shown as the death-bringing goddess whose arrows fell young maidens and women, such as the daughters of Niobe.
Only in post-Classical art do we find representations of Artemis-Diana with the crown of the crescent moon, as Luna. In the ancient world, although she was occasionally associated with the moon, she was never portrayed as the moon itself. Ancient statues of Artemis have been found with crescent moons, but these moons are always Renaissance-era additions.
On June 7, 2007, a Roman era bronze sculpture of Artemis and the Stag was sold at Sotheby's auction house in New York state by the Albright-Knox Art Gallery for $25.5 million.
- Bow and Arrow:
According to the Homeric Hymn to Artemis, she had golden bow and arrows, as her epithet was Khryselakatos, "of the Golden Shaft", and Iokheira (Showered by Arrows). The arrows of Artemis could also to bring sudden death and disease to girls and women. Artemis got her bow and arrow for the first time from The Kyklopes, as the one she asked from her father. The bow of Artemis also became the witness of Callisto's oath of her virginity. In a later cult, the bow became the symbol of the waxing moon.
- Chariots:
Artemis' chariot was made of gold and was pulled by four golden horned deer (Elaphoi Khrysokeroi). The bridles of her chariot were also made of gold.
- Spears, Nets, and Lyres:
Although quite seldom, Artemis is sometimes portrayed with a hunting spear. Her cult in Aetolia, the Artemis Aetolian, showed her with a hunting spear. The description about Artemis' spear can be found in Ovid's Metamorphosis, while Artemis with a fishing spear connected with her cult as a patron goddess of fishing.
As a goddess of maiden dances and songs, Artemis is often portrayed with a lyre.
- Deer
Deer were the only animals held sacred to Artemis herself. On seeing a deer larger than a bull with horns shining, she fell in love with these creatures and held them sacred. Deer were also the first animals she captured. She caught five golden horned deer called Elaphoi Khrysokeroi and harnessed them to her chariot. The third labor of Heracles, commanded by Eurystheus, consisted in catching the Kerynitis Hind alive. Heracles begged Artemis for forgiveness and promised to return it alive. Artemis forgave him but targeted Eurystheus for her wrath.
- Hunting Dog
Artemis got her hunting dogs from Pan in the forest of Arcadia. Pan gave Artemis two black-and-white dogs, three reddish ones, and one spotted one - these dogs were able to hunt even lions. Pan also gave Artemis seven bitches of the finest Arcadian race. However, Artemis only ever brought seven dogs hunting with her at any one time.
- Bear
The sacrifice of a bear for Artemis started with the Brauron cult. Every year a girl between five and ten years of age was sent to Artemis' temple at Brauron. The Byzantine writer Suites relayed the legend in Arktos e Brauroniois. A bear was tamed by Artemis and introduced to the people of Athens. They touched it and played with it until one day a group of girls poked the bear until it attacked them. A brother of one of the girls killed the bear, so Artemis sent a plague in revenge. The Athenians consulted an oracle to understand how to end the plague. The Oracle suggested that, in payment for the bear's blood, no Athenian virgin should be allowed to marry until she had served Artemis in her temple ('played the bear for the goddess').
- Boar
The boar is one of the favorite animals of the hunters, and also hard to tame. In honor of Artemis' skill, they sacrificed it to her. Oineus and Adonis were both killed by Artemis' boar.
- Guinea Fowl
Artemis felt pity for the Meleagrids as they mourned for their lost brother, Meleagor, so she transformed them into Guinea Fowl to be her favorite animals.
- Buzzard Hawk
Hawks were the favored birds of many of the gods, Artemis included.
Palm Tree and Cypress Tree trees were connected with the story of their birth to be her birthplace. Other plants sacred to Artemis are Amaranth and Asphodel.
Artemis is a goddess who prefers her natural beauty. She is pretty but doesn't like to use her looks to get her way; she relies on her skills. Artemis is beautiful but she is not afraid of getting roughed up, scraps, bruises, dirty or muddy while hunting or fighting. However, she was always demonstated as one of the most beautiful and strongest Goddesses. She is the Goddess of strength and was also used as the strength's symbol. She was possibly even stronger than Athena and Apollo. Only Hades, Zeus and Poseidon were stronger than her.
Because she likes her natural looks Artemis doesn't use her powers to make herself beautiful, doesn't worry about hairstyles, and does not care about the best outfits or style. Hpwever, she was special for her beauty, and was also thought to be even more beautiful than Aphrodite. Both Athena and Artemis may have actually been more beautiful than Aphrodite. Therefore, Artemis may have been the most beautiful Goddess, as she was the one praised for her own special beauty.
Usually Artemis is shown to wear small half or full - moon symbols in her head or body. She also has symbols and bracelets of bows and arrows and sometimes of little animals like deer and stags. Also however of bears and wolves, and maybe of well all the animals. Her eyes were Sapphire blue, and very luminous and shinning, completely crystal - like, and glowing as if they were real Sapphires. She also wears small skirt - like clothes that expose her legs from her knees and slightly above and bellow or sometimes her full legs. She probably completely had her full legs completely bare, and totaly exposed free in the air and the world. Her legs were her most naked and exposed body part, and usually, her full legs were shown.
Artemis loves nature, animals and hunting. She prefers the wilderness over cities and Olympus. Just like her brother, Apollo, Artemis is very protective of her mother. She is also a protector and guardian of the animals, nature, women, children and her nymph followers. Artemis does not wish to be married so she will never experience heartbreak and so she can enjoy the thrill of hunting, fighting for survival, the beauty of nature: the water, the plants, the animals, the mountains, the forests, the Moon and the weather.
Artemis is strong and brave; she doesn't bend to the will of others or love. She also will not back down from a challenge. Artemis likes to show that women can do things that men can do. The hunting goddess loves the company of her followers and the animals but also loves the quiet alone time that nature can give. She enjoys the quiet darkness when the Moon is visible in the night sky.
Hunters and huntresses love her and respect the goddess who in return looks out for them, however Artemis does not share that caring feeling with people who don't show that love and respect for animals and nature. She doesn't care to much for a wealthy fancy life. What she likes are the few things she owns and what ever nature provides her and she expects those who follow her to feel the same way.
Because Artemis doesn't care about love unlike the others Greek deities she has never had an affair with any of her family, her brother, uncles, nephews, father or cousins. Artemis doesn't like those who worship her to fall in love or get married. Those that do are cast out of her group of followers or hunters but because she is the goddess of children and childbirth even though they are not allowed to return the goddess cares for the kids they have as she does for all children.
Artemis is a goddess who does not like to lose and can not be broken. She believes in not giving up, fighting until you win and if you can't win going down fighting. She likes all challenges, likes to fight, likes thrills and likes action.
In some stories people believe that Artemis loved Adonis and Actaeon but the goddess has no love for those who do not care for wildlife and who like to boast. Artemis is a girl that does not believe in boasting which is gloating, bragging, exaggerating, overconfident, laying it on thick and showing off. Those that do are punished for thinking they are greater than everyone.
She is brave, courageous, strong, powerful, intelligent, smart, strategic, manipulative, grateful, pleased, determined, proud, but also sometimes cruel, and very cruel when so, but she is also fearless, serious, adventurous, headstrong, independent, confident, bold and strong willed. Artemis is tough but is also sweet, kind, caring, loving, selfless and gentle to the plants and animals of mother nature and to women, to kids but also to people. She is the Goddess of animals and loves animals, but also loves plants too.
Living in nature she has seen the beauty and harshness of the wilderness and loves them both, the gentle side and rough side. Artemis chooses to live in nature to avoid the squabbles, drama, conflict, clashes, feuds and quarrels of humanity and the gods.
Artemis cares for and protects all of the forests, the plants, the woods, the mountains, the hills, the jungles, the rainforests, the swamps, the marshes, the valleys, the groves, the animals, the bodies of water, the soil, the meadows, the fields, the caves and the rocks. Artemis looks after all of nature.
All the characteristics of Artemis's personality are the signs of a Scorpio: caring, comfortable being alone, honest, loyalty, brave, independent, strength, strong-will, kindness, tough love, serious, devotion and dislikes boasting. Also cautious about other people, remembers everything good or bad, but still cares for their lover, friends and people close to them even if they are upset. She also is good looking just like all Scorpios also finds enjoyment from action, adventures and thrills. All Scorpios have the desire for their mate to have the same good qualities that they have. Those all the traits of a Scorpio, and are pretty much the same traits of Cancer, given to both zodiacs by Artemis. Scorpius, the giant Scorpion was also a pet and probably the strongest animal, along with the white deer and the golden one, of Artemis. When Orion told Artemis that he will kill all the animals on the entire planet Earth, Artemis was fully pissed off and thus, sent Scorpius to kill Orion. Because Scorpius killed Orion, Artemis put Scorpius in the night sky as a constellation, as a reward for her powerful Scorpius, who showed full loyalty, respect and services to the goddess.
Relation with men[]
Artemis is said to not care that much about men. The reason for this may have been because Zeus loved too many women, and that would make Artemis very angry if her potential husband may have loved more women than just herself. But she does care for men, just more for women and children. Besides, she wanted Prometheus to be freed, and she even allowed Heracles to take her golden deer. Some even say that she liked Heracles. But some say that she completely hated him for trying to take her deer, and maybe even wanted to kill him, something she didn't do, because he was the son of Zeus.
Some say that she liked Acteon and Adonis, but the truth is that the two liked the goddess back, rather than her actually liked them. Acteon was amazed by her sexy body, which according to him was the best of the goddesses and wanted to marry her but was turned into a deer by her and the ironic thing is that his best friends, his dogs, killed and ate him. As for Adonis, well he liked her but she never officially really felt real romantic love for him. She interested many gods, demigods and men, but never really loved them romantically. In some versions of the story of Adonis, Artemis sent a wild boar to kill him as punishment for his hubristic boast that he was a better hunter than her. In other versions, Artemis killed Adonis for revenge. In later myths, Adonis is a favorite of Aphrodite, who was responsible for the death of Hippolytus, who had been a favorite of Artemis. Therefore, Artemis killed Adonis to avenge Hippolytus's death. In yet another version, Adonis was not killed by Artemis, but by Ares as punishment for being with Aphrodite.
Some say that Artemis loved a river god, The river god Alpheus was in love with Artemis, but as he realized he could do nothing to win her heart, he decided to capture her. When Artemis and her companions at Letrenoi go to Alpheus, she becomes suspicious of his motives and covers her face with mud so he does not recognize her. In another story, Alphaeus tries to rape Artemis' attendant Arethusa. Artemis pities the girl and saves her, transforming her into a spring in the temple Artemis Alphaea in Letrini, where the goddess and her attendant drink. Bouphagos, son of the Titan Iapetus, sees Artemis and thinks about raping her. Reading his sinful thoughts, Artemis strikes him down at Mount Pholoe.
Orion was the man she actually loved, almost given up her virginity to be with. Did she love the big and great hunter, he became her worst enemy by far. Artemis showed how much more she cares for animals rather than humans. She completely hated him, who tried to attack her. Artemis loved Scorpius and was very proud of her ''little'' scorpion, she placed him in the sky to reward him, showing how much more she preffered a scorpion over a man, which she placed in the sky, not because she really wanted, but because Orion was the son of Poseidon. In another story, Siproites is a boy who, either because he accidentally sees Artemis bathing or because he was actually interested in her and attempts to rape her, and thus is turned into a girl by the goddess, which shows that Artemis didn't even hesitate to show superiority of girls over boys.
Powers & Abilities[]
Like all deities, Artemis has the powers and abilities to do many things which is something that all gods have but because she is goddess of the hunt, archery, tracking, hunting, trapping, senses, communication with animals and survival are her greatest skills. Her power was great indeed, maybe even greater than the other goddesses. Her immense physical strength was only surpassed by Zeus, Hades and Poseeidon and was incredibly high. She could probably lift up to 30 - 40 tons of weight or so. Maybe even more.
She also possessed extreme intelligence and knowledge. She was very smart and used her intelligence when hunting, which also showed that she was very strategic. She also had a bow and arrows and was an excellent shooter. Sometimes she threw her arrows so fast and created some rays of arrows. She also turned her arrows into blades known as arrow blades. Her arrows were very fast, going at speeds of a heart beat. to some ( close ) targets. Sometimes she also used poison in her arrows that usually carried plague. It likely caused infection, although, she didn't usually use it. This could also be a reference to cancer illness. However, cancer actually can be cured.
As the Goddess of the Moon and the stars and the night sky, she was also very shiny and also known as a light bearer, or Lucifera, from Luna in Roman, Selene in Greek, which means Moon, and she possessed her own Moonlit Luminescence in the dark, to light her way, or the way of the others. She was also an excellent nocturnal hunter. She also had Luminite light. Luminite is a crystal and sometimes Artemis had some crystals with her, crystals from the symbols she wore of bow and arrows, animals and the Moon. She was certainly a powerful and well prepared Goddess, and she was known as untouched and heavenly to the Greeks.
Gods stronger than her[]

The Moon can eclipse the Sun, but the latter can't eclipse it back.
From the Olympian gods, the only ones stronger than Artemis were Hades, Zeus and Poseidon. Artemis was in fact stronger than Ares, Hera, Athena, Apollo and all the other Olympian gods. She was vastly stronger than Hera, Hestia and Demeter, as well as Hermes and Aphrodite. Many gods feared her, sometimes even Zeus. Not to mention that Artemis the personification of the Moon. The gods saw the Moon as their second home, and the ruler was Artemis, always on the Moon.

Uranus VS Cronus
Now, some people believe that Apollo was stronger than Artemis because he was a Sun god and because the Sun was thought to be stronger than the Moon, as it can light the Earth. But the Sun, larger, more luminous, 64,3 million Moons widem, can not eclipse the Moon, but the Moon can eclipse the Sun. Besides Artemis was training while Apollo was mostly drinking wine with Dionysus. Athena was seen as a warrior. Some say she had better weapons than Artemis. Her weapons were a shield, a sword, a spear and possibly some armor. Artemis had a spear, bow and arrows, as well as whips, and possibly some armor too at certain times. Athena was born from her father's head, and was already a lady, while Artemis since a baby could survive and experience her skills in nature. Claimed that Athena could have been stronger than Apollo, Artemis is also stronger than Apollo as she is stronger than Athena. Apart from Hades, Zeus and Poseidon, which are the three Olympias stronger than Artemis, the other god stronger than her are primordials, like Cronus and Uranus.
Both Cronus and Uranus were said to have been stronger than Zeus. Cronus is stronger than Uranus despite being his son, and evidence of that is that he won the battle when the 2 battled about who will rule the Universe. Also, not all Titans were stronger than Olympian gods. the male Titans were stronger than most Olympians, and Cronus was the strongest God of them all of Greek and Olympians, the only titan stronger than Zeus and all the Olympians, but the female Titans could have been weaker than the Olympian gods. Plus, other primoridal gods except Gaia, could take down Zeus easily. Uranus and Cronus, and some other gods made Zeus fear them, especially Nyx, possibly because she was the darkest one, and her name means ''νύχτα'' in Greek, meaning ''night''. Zeus won against Cronus and the Titans, only because he got help from the Cyclops and other monsters. Because when Uranus and Gaia had children, they had 12 titans and many Cyclops and monsters, which Uranus didn't like, and imprisoned bellow the surface. Zeus freed them and they helped him win the Titanomachy against Cronus and the Titans.

Nyx, goddess of the night. She is even more powerful than Zeus. Zeus fears her and is very afraid of angering / bothering her.
From the other gods, the male Titans are stronger than Artemis. Uranus and Gaia are also stronger than her. Among the Primordial Greek Gods, the most prominent ones and also possibly the most powerful ones are Chaos, Gaia, Uranus, Erebus, Nyx, Eros, Eris and Tartarus. In some beliefs, Morpheus, Charon, Thanatos and the Sisters of Fate were also Primordial deities despite usually being seen as Olympian Gods in most cases despite their immense power, which possibly succedded that of Zeus. But actually, they were primordial deities. Also, Nyx is older and more powerful than Zeus. Not much is known about Nyx. In the most famous myth featuring Nyx, Zeus is too afraid to enter Nyx's cave for fear of angering her. All of these gods are all far stronger than Artemis.
Power levels are bellow: Exetior and All Father are included. God and Satan are also here.

Sonic Exe (His real name is X, he is a god / demon made out of pure Dark Matter.)
Some of the weakest gods < Persephone < Demeter = Hestia = Hera < Dionysus < Hermes < Aphrodite < All-Father < Hepheastus < Female Titans < Ares = or < Exetior < Apollo < Athena < Artemis < Gaia < Male Titans < Satan <Sonic Exe < Hades = Zeus = Poseidon = or < Morpheus = or < Eris = or < Sisters of Fate < Charon < Eros < Erebus < Thanatos < Tartarus < Nyx < Uranus < Cronus < Chaos (God, he and Chaos are the same person in reality)

Deadly depiction of Sonic Exe
Science does indeed believe in parallel dimensions. According to the Bible, when God's divine power was used to create the Universes, and also our own, the primirdial Greek gods like Uranus and Gaia were created. The historical events of Greek mythology started happening via generations of gods. Eventually until Zeus and Leto gave birth to Apollo and Artemis. In Greek myhology, a god named chaos created everything. God of christianity and Chaos are actually the same person. This isn't the first time God is reffered to as Chaos. In another dimension, when God's divine power was spread all around the creation of potential many Universes in between giant cosmic voids, a piece of pure dark matter combined with the divine power. The name of the creature was X. It's a dark matter demon taking on the form of Sonic the hedgehog. In our Universe it is Fan made, in other dimensions however, he is a real character. All he is a dark matter demon taking on the form of Sonic. Exetior and Sonic Exe aren't the same person. There are many Sonic Exe's just gods taking the form of Sonic, but there is no Sonic Exe who is actually Sonic. The original Sonic Exe is called X. As a fan character he was created by JC the Hyena. But in his dimension X is a real character and the god of his world. He is very strong, at least twice as strong as Artemis, maybe even slightly more than twice. To learn more about X see here, here, here and here.

Artemis is more beautiful than Aphrodite.
Images TBA.

Artemis in the Mythic Warriors series.

Artemis in Disney Fantasia.


Another picture of Artemis.

He is thought as scary and constantly oppossed to God, but actually he never wanted to become evil. Plus, his real name is NOT Lucifer. Lucifera is the original word and it was a Nickname for Artemis.
As far as leading Adam and Eve astray, that was a bad rap stemming from a case of mistaken identity. Also, Lucifer is the name of various figures in folklore associated with the planet Venus. Originally stemming from a son of the personified dawn, the goddess Aurora, in Roman mythology, the entity's name was subsequently absorbed into Christianity as a name for the Devil. Modern scholarship generally translates the term in the relevant Bible passage where the Ancient Greek figure's name was historically used (Isaiah 14:12) as "morning star" or "shining one" rather than as a proper name, Lucifer. As a name for the Devil in Christian theology, the more common meaning in English, "Lucifer" is the rendering of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל (transliteration: hêylêl; pronunciation: hay-lale) in Isaiah given in the King James Version of the Bible. The translators of this version took the word from the Latin Vulgate, which translated הֵילֵל by the Latin word lucifer (uncapitalized), meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing". As a name for the planet in its morning aspect, "Lucifer" (Light-Bringer) is a proper name and is capitalized in English. In Greco-Roman civilization, it was often personified and considered a god. and in some versions considered a son of Aurora (the Dawn). A similar name used by the Roman poet Catullus for the planet in its evening aspect is "Noctifer" (Night-Bringer). Also, Lucifera is a name for Artemis. She is the Moon Goddess and is known as light bearer, Lucifera, a name for Artemis. Plus, God and Satan are meant to oppose as good and evil, but that's not really right. Satan never really wanted to harm, nor does he. He just does his job. Also, demon comes from daiesthai,, to divide. ''Demon'' is the Greek. In English and latin it is ''Divine''. Daemon has NO negative meaning, the word actually means spirit, divine power, fate and god. Just like Artemis in Greek, it is Diana in latin. Diana means Divine, it was originally ''Diviana''. And it's Artemis in Greek, in one meaning of the name, it's Daemon. Eudaimonia means happiness. Eu meaning ''good'' and Daemon, meaning ''God''. And in Greek mythology, people used the word daemon to show respect and fear. Who did they respect and fear? The gods. In Christianity, the only Demon is the God, for those who believe he is the one who rules over everything that happens, or simply ''gives the order''. Demon also means knowledge, in latin it is ''genius''. Knowledge is what comes to humans by the gods, christians and neopagans say. For today, Daemon is a god or a good spirit, while Demon is a fallen angel or an evil spirit.
Some people said that Artemis is Satanic. Not only do they say that she was evil, which she never was, but they even say that she is even more evil now. She became the demon of Whichcraft in current ages of Christianity. Usually, Satan causes creatures to become monsters. Some say that even NASA's logo and their new Artemis program, the red color is shaped like the Devil's tongue. That is NOT true. In the NASA insignia design, the sphere represents a planet, the stars represent space, the red chevron is a wing representing aeronautics (the latest design in hypersonic wings at the time the logo was developed), and then the orbiting spacecraft going around the wing. It is known officially as the insignia. The red chevron in Artemis logo resembles humans going to the Moon. And some say that Artemis's half Moon symbol on her middle head when she wore it looked like Satan's horns. Satan's horns resemble evil, Artemis resembles the Moon, so just because they look like each other, doesn't mean that Artemis is Satanic, she is nowhere near closely related to Satan. His name is just Lucifer, which is a normal male name, whose female equivalent is Lucifera, also a normal female - given name, which was a Nickname for Artemis.
There is more. Diana also means celestial. Celestial bodies are asteroids, moons, planets, stars, galaxies, space voids, nebulae, black holes, galaxies etc. That means that all celestial bodies and basically all the bodies in the Universe = Celestial = Diana = Artemis. Besides, celestial is also used to mean divine. That's because gods are said to inhabit space, the skies, the celestial sphere. Here is more, Lucifera also called Luna and Selene means luminous and shining and they are names of the Moon. We have an equalizer, that being that Lucifera, Selene and Luna = luminous / shining = Diana = Artemis. Crystals Luminite also mean Luminous. From Lu - min - comes the word Moon, meaning luminous and shining, In Greek it is φεγγάρι, coming from the word φέγγος, meaning light. That's why Lumnite crystals are known as Moon crystals. Also, the term that galaxies spread to nowhere is used to describe that the Universe expands. The term heaven, one of of the meanings of Diana means expansion of the Universe. Galaxies spread to nowhere = The Universe expands = Heaven = Diana = Artemis.
Legacy of Artemis[]
In astronomy[]
105 Artemis, the Artemis (crater), the Artemis Chasma, the Artemis Corona, Sagittarius A Artemis black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Artemis lunar program have all been named after the goddess. There are also 2 more asteroid belts, 1 Artemis and 1 Diana around Jupiter, 78 Diana asteroid and simply Diana asteroid, the first in the main asteroid belt of the Solar System and the latter around Jupiter too. Artemis is the acronym for "Architectures de bolometres pour des Telescopes a grand champ de vue dans le domaine sub-Millimetrique au Sol", a large bolometer camera in the submillimeter range that was installed in 2010 at the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX), located in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile.
In taxonomy[]
The taxonomic genus Artemia, which entirely comprises the family Artemiidae, derives from Artemis. Artemia are aquatic crustaceans known as brine shrimp, the best-known species of which, Artemia salina, or Sea Monkeys, was first described by Carl Linnaeus in his Systema Naturae in 1758. Artemia live in salt lakes, and although they are almost never found in an open sea, they do appear along the Aegean coast near Ephesus, where the Temple of Artemis once stood.
In Modern Spaceflight[]
The Artemis program is an ongoing crewed spaceflight program carried out by NASA, U.S. commercial spaceflight companies, and international partners such as ESA, with the goal of landing "the first woman and the next man" on the lunar south pole region by 2024. NASA is calling this the Artemis program in honor of Apollo's twin sister in Greek mythology, the goddess of the Moon.
Artemis' Chariot[]

Artemis' golden Chariot & Golden Hinds of Artemis. Artemis' golden chariot was drawn by a team of two or four golden-horned deer (hinds).
Artemis Possessions[]
- Silver Bow & Silver Arrows
- Silver Spear
- Whips of Chaos
- Silver Moon Chariot pulled by deer / stags / horses
- Silver Moon head symbols
- Silver Moon earrings
- Silver Moon Circlet
- Armor
- Tunic
- Sandals
- Boar
- Deer
- Dogs
- Wolves
- Wild Animals
- Stags and deer
- Calydonian Boar
- Luminite Crystals
URANUS †---------------------------------------------------------------------------GAIA
| | |
CRONUS †---------------------------------------------------------------------------RHEA
| | |
HESTIA ________DEMETER__________ HERA_________ HADES_______ POSEIDON_______ZEUS--LETO
- Solid lines denote parent-child blood relationships
- Dashed lines denote marriage relationships that result in offspring
- † denotes the deceased
- Sorry for the closeness of the 6 names of the children
Greek Mythology Appearances | ||||||||||||
"Disney's Hercules": | "Clash of the Titans (2010)": | "Wrath of the Titans": | "Once Upon a Time": | "Hercules 2014": | "Immortals": | "Myths": | ||||||
Appears | Appears | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | ||||||
"Rain of the Furies": | "Clash of the Titans (1981)": | "For the Love of Zeus": | "PJO & the Lightning Thief": | "PJO & the Sea of Monsters": | "Strange Case": | "More in Heaven and Hell": | "Alternate Realities": | |||||
Absent | Appears | Appears | Absent | Absent | TBA | TBA | TBA |
- Artemis did not have any children as she was a virgin goddess.
Major Locations | |||